Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/11)20180412 
tor8 bilabila (for the logs): mupdf-x11 or mupdf-gl?09:24.58 
  Robin_Watts: I've tagged a 1.13.0-rc1 and uploaded the source tarballs. could you do the windows build as usual?12:54.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: Sure.13:05.48 
  tor8: The VSproject files are broken :(13:13.35 
  tor8: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=4a7822d6750ecb6e0b63f4357738dc20ecaa58f613:15.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: *sigh*13:15.58 
  we *really* need to sort something out in this regard13:16.08 
  Robin_Watts: LGTM13:16.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: premake should be a fairly high priority thing after the release, right?13:16.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. the main issue being thirdparty libraries needing weird -D flags that differ on various platforms.13:17.10 
Robin_Watts ok, with that it builds and tigers.13:17.46 
tor8 I've managed to get a working premake vs build13:17.56 
  Harfbuzz breaks in more than one way for VS200513:18.13 
Robin_Watts We can stick with old harfbuzz though, right?13:18.27 
tor8 it started using msvc-specific functions that aren't in VS200513:18.31 
  the stdint.h issue is easy enough to work around13:18.54 
  harfbuzz commit 6c10328eb88b0641586f31a782b63f45eada5609 is worse13:19.15 
Robin_Watts Does the generated VS project have Release/Debug/Profile/Memento configurations?13:19.36 
  How about DebugJava/ReleaseJava? Or DebugCommercial/ReleaseCommercial ?13:20.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. premake supports configurations.13:20.12 
Robin_Watts If yes to all of those, then great.13:20.32 
  I've pushed the commit.13:20.53 
  Do you want to move the tag? :)13:20.57 
tor8 I'll move the tag :)13:21.00 
  and rebake the tarballs13:21.04 
  I don't know how to get premake to work with the android build though. but maintaining the Makefiles is trivial in comparison.13:23.14 
  even if we end up only using premake to generate the visual studio project files, I think that will buy us enough benefit13:23.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: VS and Xcode would be a win.13:24.39 
tor8 I did some experiments, and I could coax regular make to spit out a CMakeLists.txt that built the same stuff13:25.07 
Robin_Watts but if we can get linux/VS/Xcode out of the same thing, it'd solve the usual "I broke platform X cos I was only testing on platform Y" thing.13:25.22 
  tor8: Yell when you move the tag.14:06.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I already have14:06.36 
  but you may need to remove your local tag or it won't update14:06.45 
Robin_Watts Right, that was it.14:07.02 
  git fetch --tags sorted it.14:07.34 
  tor8: So... my CHANGES file says 1.12 still14:27.42 
  Ignore me.!14:28.01 
  tor8: mupdf-1.13.0-windows.zip in my homedir on casper now. Move it/Rename it to whereever you want.15:02.14 
  tor8: Can we put a link to mupdf_explored.pdf on the documentation page of mupdf.com ?15:02.16 
  I can do a new build now with the latest changes, and the number updated to 1.1315:02.19 
tor8 I'm popping out for a few hours. If you put it somewhere on casper, I'll add a link to the docs.html page15:06.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, latest version: http://ghostscript.com/~robin/mupdf_explored.pdf16:32.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I've linked to it from the mupdf.com/docs/ page under the "Library" heading.21:03.39 
fredross-perry tor8, robin, sebras - looking for debugging advice for #699213. In the logs you'll see crashes at or near fz_drop_page, and fz_free. What the user is doing is printing, which amounts to doing PDFDocument.save("some path", ""), and then passing the path to Android's printing system. I am not seeing the crashing.22:35.23 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Smells like heap corruption.22:58.52 
  I'd reach for Memento.22:58.56 
fredross-perry Dr. Memento22:59.17 
  This is (I think) that same Galaxy J7.22:59.45 
Robin_Watts I'd wonder if it's running out of memory.23:00.29 
  That would make it throw, and possibly there is a catch clause that's wrong or something.23:00.54 
  You could try making the fz_throws print ?23:01.17 
fredross-perry sure. But remember I am not crashing, it's only Silver at this point. I shoud ask him to try other device.23:17.42 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Yeah, but making fz_throws print in builds for silver won't hurt...23:20.36 
fredross-perry lemme see...23:21.09 
  Is there a handy stack trace printer in the code somewhere?23:22.03 
Robin_Watts actually, it looks like they should already throw.23:22.40 
  already print.23:22.43 
  see fz_vthrow.23:22.52 
  A handy stack trace printer? Well, Memento knows how to backtrace :)23:23.14 
fredross-perry I would imagine.23:23.30 
Robin_Watts (using 3 different methods depending on OS)23:23.32 
fredross-perry re fz_vthrow - looks like I need to define USE_ANDROID_LOG ?23:26.36 
Robin_Watts #ifdef __ANDROID__23:33.59 
  #define USE_ANDROID_LOG23:34.00 
  #include <android/log.h>23:34.02 
  That's at the top of error.c23:34.10 
  Might be worth maybe testing to see whether __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "libmupdf", "balls"); shows up.23:39.17 
  No, wait ANDROID_LOG_ERROR23:40.54 
fredross-perry trying...23:42.15 
GenkiSky Hello, I'd like to submit a small patch for the x11 mupdf client. I couldn't find any mailing list, or other method, to do so. Am I missing something?23:42.30 
Robin_Watts GenkiSky: Hi.23:47.51 
  go to bugs.ghostscript.com, open a bug, and attach a patch there.23:48.12 
  Use "Mupdf" as the product, obviously :)23:48.26 
  Genkisky: If you want to talk over the patch with a developer, try back here in about 12 hours. We're on european time mostly.23:49.04 
  fredross-perry: bedtime, sorry. talk more tomorrow.23:49.31 
fredross-perry ok.23:49.39 
GenkiSky Robin_Watts: Great, thanks. I'll do that. I don't think I need to talk it over first, but I'll be happy to do so if people think otherwise on seeing it :)23:50.28 
  Thanks for the heads up though.23:50.45 
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