Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/12)20180413 
vtorri hello05:35.46 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.05:35.46 
vtorri why creating several static lib - mupdf and thirdparty iirc - instead of just one ?05:36.27 
  anyway the thirdparty one is necessary05:37.03 
  so one must necessarly link against lubmupdf and libmupdfthird05:38.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, so I have a premake-file that can generate VS2005 projects that build successfully11:30.39 
  BUT, for some unknown reason it always thinks everything is out of date and insists on recompiling everything all the effing time11:30.59 
pink_mist better than nothing :P11:31.14 
tor8 and I can't figure out how to coax VS2005 to give me an actual diagnostic for WHY it thinks things are out of date11:31.26 
  the Tools -> Options -> Build and Run -> MSBuild project build output verbosity: Diagnostic does nothing...11:32.00 
  Robin_Watts: any ideas?11:32.20 
vtorri tor8 hey11:36.33 
  tor8 why creating several static lib - libmupdf,a and libmupdfthird,a iirc - instead of just one ?11:37.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: ooh, not offhand.11:37.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: code's on tor/wip if you want to poke around11:37.38 
  maybe it's just my setup?11:37.41 
  download premake5 on https://premake.github.io/11:38.00 
  then just run "premake5 vs2005" in the mupdf checkout11:38.11 
  and it will create project files in "build/vs2005/"11:38.18 
Robin_Watts will do. I need a breather from halftoning today.11:38.45 
tor8 you may need to do "nmake -f scripts/fontdump.nmake" first to generate the files11:38.48 
  I haven't hooked up the autogeneration yet11:39.14 
  vtorri: makefile reasons.11:44.03 
  if you want to use system libraries, it helps to keep the core mupdf separate from its dependencies.11:44.57 
vtorri tor8 ok11:48.12 
Robin_Watts nmake -f scripts\fontdump.nmake fails for me.11:49.30 
  All the slashes in the mkdir commands are the wrong way around in that nmake.11:51.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: strange...they work for me in my virtualbox :/11:53.41 
Robin_Watts And mkdir -p doesn't work the way you'd hope it does.11:53.42 
  tor8: From what prompt ?11:53.50 
tor8 visual studio prompt11:53.55 
Robin_Watts What version of nmake?11:54.17 
  8.00.50727.762 here11:54.34 
tor8 8.00.50727.76211:54.41 
  so same version...11:54.47 
  it might be because I have msysgit installed11:55.18 
  that has put a bunch of unix tools in my PATH11:55.28 
  so maybe it's calling the wrong mkdir?11:55.50 
Robin_Watts probably.11:56.01 
  I have msysgit installed too, and ls etc works.11:56.59 
  which mkdir shows no mkdir exe though.11:57.08 
tor8 yeah. I think it's because I've got mingw32\bin in my $PATH11:57.57 
Robin_Watts mkdir a/b says "The syntax of the command is incorrect"11:57.59 
  mkdir a\b works.11:58.05 
tor8 if I remove that I can't run 'which'11:58.09 
Robin_Watts mkdir a\b a second time says "A subdirectory or file a\b already exists"11:58.23 
  I've got to run Helen to the station, and get the mazda washed so I can advertise it. Back in a bit.11:58.51 
  tor8: i have a separate "which" binary.11:59.05 
tor8 try the latest commit on tor/wip12:08.47 
  that should hopefully fix the nmake files12:08.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ok, that does indeed make the nmake files happier.14:40.43 
  tor8: It's the ProgramDataBaseFileName="" that screws it up I think.16:03.33 
  tor8: Ok, I have a patched version of premake5 that makes a VS solution that I'm happy with now.19:43.50 
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