Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/24)20180425 
Hufokus Hi there. I have troubles opening files with russian letters in the path. mupdf says "no such file or directory"( Any suggestions?07:43.10 
kens I'd suggest you open a bug report and attach a file to the report07:46.51 
  Probably also helpful to list the version of MuPDF and the operating system you are using07:47.17 
  As it happens I have a Cyrillic filename round here somewhere, I'll find it and try it07:47.45 
  Just tried current HEAD on Windows and it can open a filename with Russian characters with no problems07:49.49 
  File was submitted as:07:50.27 
  "??? ????.pdf"07:50.38 
  Sadly I don't have a path with Cyrillic letters in it though07:51.03 
  OK I used part of the filename to create a path with Cyrillic characters and then ran MuPDF on hat:07:53.16 
  D:\bugs\699221\????>\mupdf\mupdf\platform\win32\debug\mupdf "D:\bugs\699221\????07:53.16 
  \??? ????.pdf"07:53.16 
  and that also works07:53.16 
  cd ..07:53.50 
Hufokus Well I get D:\Works\���0151.pdf췍﷽﷽ in wname in f = _wfopen(wname, L"rb"); inside stream-open.c. I'll check issue in details later, need to go now08:01.07 
kens You probably need to UTF-8 encode the filename if you are not using the example code08:02.04 
yumbox does anyone know of a Qt pdf reader that uses mupdf?16:47.56 
Robin_Watts yumbox: gsview?16:49.03 
  The linux/mac versions of that are qt based.16:49.38 
yumbox i dont think that's libre software?16:50.48 
Robin_Watts yumbox: It's not open source, no.16:51.25 
  But you didn't ask that,16:51.29 
yumbox I just assumed because this is freenode :P16:52.05 
moolc yumbox: okular has(d) mupdf backend, but i guess it's kinda mordibund16:56.34 
yumbox okular is way slower than zathura-mupdf, so I dont think it uses mupdf as backen16:57.26 
moolc yumbox: it uses poppler for pdf by default, mupdf was just another backend16:58.14 
  yumbox: does it have to be qt? if so why?16:58.25 
yumbox how can I make okular use mupdf then?16:58.44 
moolc zathura, in my experience, is very slow too... though we might have vastly idfferent definitions of slow16:58.56 
  but really, in this day and age the ability to do a web search is what separates men from boys...16:59.47 
yumbox im a girl17:00.45 
  if you think zathura is slow, then what do you consider fast?17:01.51 
moolc yumbox: sorry. women from girls. https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/ i'm biased though, this is my code17:02.52 
yumbox i lied, im a guy.17:03.34 
  does it work on wayland?17:05.38 
moolc no native wayland support. works fine in wayland's x server17:06.18 
yumbox oh okay.17:06.41 
  thanks for your help.17:06.47 
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