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deadc0de Hi there, I'm using mupdf on gentoo and been trying to get auto reloading with SIGHUP working, every time HUP is received by mupdf it shuts down though. Any ideas why?08:46.05 
avih deadc0de: doesn't SIGHUM mean the controlling terminal is closed, hence app started from that terminal should be closed too?08:54.04 
  i.e. that's basically a "kill" signal08:54.47 
deadc0de technically yes, but sending it directly to the process (kill -s SIGHUP <pid>) is meant to reload the PDF according to mupdf man page08:57.58 
moolc deadc0de: mupdf doesn't handle SIGHUP08:58.00 
  deadc0de: (llpp does, maybe that's the source of confusion?)08:58.14 
  and indeed SIGHUP is explicitly mentioned in mupdf's man page08:59.08 
deadc0de what's llp?08:59.12 
moolc yet the sources have no traces of HUP handling08:59.29 
  deadc0de: PDF pager that uses mupdf as the rendering library - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNszKpCUXhQ&list=PLLAukRknwSgFhpYsDKHY0oWpvV03Qj4AE09:00.09 
  deadc0de: okay, it looks as if mupdf-x11 does handle SIGHUP, while mupdf-gl does not09:01.20 
  and you are probably using the latter09:01.33 
deadc0de let me give that a go09:01.44 
  that does seem to do the trick09:05.00 
  might be worth putting that into the man page :)09:05.27 
moolc nah09:08.08 
avih moolc: how should an application differentiate SIGHUP which is supposed to kill it from one which should be interpreted as a custom command?09:08.12 
moolc avih: by saying - "I treat HUP as an external signal to do my own thing" somewhere in documentation09:08.51 
  avih: and i guess your question is more meta... and i don't know the answer to it, sorry09:09.24 
deadc0de avih: you just register your own signal handler for SIGHUP and override the default behaviour09:09.46 
avih moolc: but wouldn't it get the signal when it should be closed regardless of its man page? and reloading instead of closing it an unexpected behavior, isn't it?09:09.51 
moolc avih: correct09:10.03 
avih i'd sort of understand if it was "reporposing" some signal with loosely related semantics, but specifically HUP sounds to me like a bad idea to ignore.09:11.17 
  or reporpose09:11.34 
moolc avih: it's actually quite common to re-purpose HUP for that (at least that's my impression)09:13.19 
  after all i must have got that idea somewhere when doing it in my own thing09:13.39 
avih well.. i'm not familiar enough with the subject to discuss, but i'll take your word for it. though TBH i still find it weird.09:14.30 
moolc avih: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIGHUP09:15.01 
avih like, im my mind, this would cause the following behavior: 1. you run mupdf from a terminal. 2. you close the terminal, maybe expecting mupdf to close. 3. instead of closing, mupdf reloads the document.09:15.28 
  yes, i did read it before i responded initially09:15.57 
  (the wikipedia page)09:16.07 
moolc "This convention survives to this day in packages such as Apache and Sendmail."09:16.38 
  i really don't want to argue with software experts that gave us Apache and Sendmail09:16.58 
  even qmail uses sighup in the same fashion...09:18.00 
  so there09:18.01 
avih you shouldn't, but you should notice these are typically daemons, so it's not unreasonable of them to treat HUP specially. and mupdf isn't, afaik09:18.02 
  (not sure about qmail, pretty sure about the two formers)09:18.43 
moolc avih: for all intents and purposes those gui applications are daemons09:19.59 
  (in this case they do not have(nor care about) controlling tty)09:20.20 
avih k, as i said, not familiar enough to discuss. thx.09:20.27 
inflex moolc, everything wokring very nicely now here with my modified mupdf.10:15.13 
moolc inflex: cool, congrats10:15.49 
inflex but a question; when there's multiple items returned from a page search, each item on the page is highlighted, is there a way to put an additional highlight on each one if you know the bbox?10:15.55 
moolc inflex: i have nothing to do with mupdf development. better ask tor or sebras10:16.44 
inflex okay np.10:16.50 
  It's probably something I can do with GLUT10:17.00 
  can mupdf-gl be built for Windows using mingw?16:53.27 
  ( seems like adding "export CC=gcc" was the key17:13.19 
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