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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/16)20180517 
kens tor8, sebras, FWIW that recent bug report against 1.12, the file works fine with 1.1309:38.18 
  However, the company looks like they are probably a licence infringer, so I'm sending the details to Kate.09:38.54 
  Oops sorry they say 1.13.09:39.26 
  My current MuPDF SHA1 is e6dfa88 and works fine on Windows.09:40.03 
  Its possible of course they are using a library build. Note that the filename includes invisible non-ASCII characters.09:41.05 
tor8 kens: bug 699365?09:42.16 
kens Yes09:43.14 
tor8 I can't make heads or tails of his grammar.09:43.20 
kens and 363 but I closed that as a duplicate09:43.23 
  I believe he's complaining that MuPDF won't open a file09:43.34 
  WHich he has at least attached09:43.41 
  The filename is not as simple as he indicates09:43.57 
  It includes soe wei characters09:44.10 
tor8 so it does09:44.16 
kens GS doesn't like it09:44.27 
  FOr me MuPDF is fine (on WIndows)09:44.36 
  Is it possible he is using a library of MuPDF and not UTF-8 encoding the filename ? Does MuPDF need that ?09:45.39 
tor8 chrome on windows saves it with some weird '=-UTF-8-Q-=20CA... etc escaping09:45.43 
  I think it's an em-dash unicode character-09:46.18 
kens GS has octal 342, 300, 224 where teh dash is09:46.28 
  Could easily be an emdash09:47.07 
  Just wanted to let you know I was sending an email to Kate really09:47.25 
tor8 yeah. that's the same octal I see on linux.09:47.29 
avih tor8: btw, re sort and setlength x2 vs loop of delindex, i still think setlength is preferable as it has the potential to be more efficient, even if it currently isn't. the loop is by definition O(length), while setlength could definitely be less, theoretically.09:47.53 
tor8 kens: yeah. with that level of language and "Hi Team" introduction I don't blame you for suspecting infringement09:48.04 
kens :-)09:48.11 
tor8 avih: setlength is not per spec. it will *not* do the correct thing for non-Array objects.09:48.33 
avih it's also, logically, sort of duplication09:48.36 
kens Their website says they are a 'global business process outsourcing company'09:48.45 
avih tor8: well, at least for arrays, which i'd imagine is the main object of sort, it should09:49.34 
tor8 kens: strangely I'm getting blank pages on mupdf-gl.exe on windows but pages with text using mupdf.exe (the release 1.13.0 windows binaries) but that seems unrelated to the filename at least09:50.06 
  avih: it will, but you can apply the sort function to non-array objects and it should still work09:50.29 
avih tor8: obviously, but js_isarray is just one call away :)09:50.50 
  (assuming it exists, didn't check)09:51.04 
kens tor8 the pages are OK for me on Windows, but I'm not using GL09:51.25 
avih (and you can probably do that with just one comparison without function calls - with your internal knowledge :) )09:52.15 
tor8 kens: strangely I can't reproduce it on linux...09:53.42 
kens That is indeed odd09:53.51 
  I'm afraid I can't help you on that one though09:54.31 
tor8 And it seems unrelated to his issue. I'll just poke at it a bit myself, see if I discover something.09:55.17 
kens I'm sure its not related09:55.33 
  oops forgot to CC tech10:01.25 
  Geez, 'where's my fix ?' Seriously ?10:03.03 
  Lets see what he's prepared to admit to :-)10:08.13 
moolc wow... this (presumably) Armenian bug reporters English is impeccable10:10.54 
razi Hi there. Does mupdf support extracting page labels of a PDF file (e.g.: i, ii, iii, vi,...)?14:06.59 
kens I'm certain you can extract the PageLabels dictionary from the document Catalog dictionary14:08.23 
tor8 razi: not very conveniently, I'm afraid14:08.35 
  you could do something yourself, or look at what 'mutool show $PDF trailer/Root/PageLabels' shows and work from there14:09.40 
razi @tor: Thanks. I will check it.14:13.48 
moolc tor8: no luck with svg issue?15:33.09 
razi @tor8: Have you seen my update to this bug report https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=699317#c2 ? I have replaced it with empty string :D19:09.39 
fredross-perry tor8 - on 4/25 you introducd a change that breaks the Android build. The function load_noto_try in mudf_native.c.22:16.15 
  If I fix the obvious compiler error, I then get things like error: undefined reference to '_binary_resources_fonts_urw_NimbusMonoPS_Regular_cff_start'22:16.41 
  Oh wait, need to run make generate...22:19.22 
  yes, that was it. But the compile issue in load_noto_try still stands.22:29.05 
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