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granttrec1 is there now way to install via distribution repos, just install via source?02:18.32 
granttrec nvm its in the repos my mistake02:56.40 
moolc tor8: same question08:21.05 
tor8 moolc: fix on tor/master08:27.30 
moolc tor8: bra!08:27.40 
tor8 it still doesn't render as you would want, because we don't support CSS styling in SVG08:27.48 
  you want to save as "plain" svg from inkscape08:28.00 
moolc i was mainly concerned with SEGV08:28.09 
  getting "proper" SVG rendering is not gonna happen i realize that08:28.29 
tor8 that said ... we do have a css parser available, so if we were to spend some effort it could be possible08:28.45 
  SVG just hasn't been a high priority08:28.52 
moolc you would have to define "proper" first08:29.08 
tor8 not with all the cruft that's been added with CSS and javascripting etc08:29.12 
moolc tor8: can i remove the files from the server?08:29.33 
tor8 moolc: yes, I've got them saved.08:29.47 
moolc cool08:30.06 
inflex I don't suppose anyone has created a zoom-at-mousepoint snippet at all? I can't seem to get my head around the different coordinate systems at the moment (between X11 + GLUT + pdf page).08:38.13 
moolc i have.. not in mupdf-gl context though08:43.03 
inflex ja, I've done it in SDL/ImGui context... but for some reason cannot make it work in mupdf-gl... yet08:45.34 
moolc the thing i did is using mupdf the library08:46.20 
  just doesn't touch the tools08:46.25 
inflex A side question too, I cannot pin down the routine that shades the search results in pink/orange within mupdf-gl. I was hoping to add to it so it'll put a box (or change colour) depending on which index in the bbox list I'm selecting from the search list.08:47.04 
  btw, apologies if these questions are not relevant to the context of this channel.08:47.33 
moolc inflex: zooming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6cUPjGvSGg&l&t=1308:47.55 
inflex ( I am reading the mupdf_explored.pdf atm)08:48.15 
moolc inflex: Robin_Watts authored08:48.42 
tor8 inflex: in platform/gl/gl-main.c where the currentzoom variable is changed, you'd want to also adjust the scroll_x and scroll_y variables to keep a specific point centered08:48.56 
  inflex: search results are displayed in the do_search_hits() function08:49.27 
inflex thanks for the pointer tor8 - I must just have one of those "one off" signing of type bugs.08:49.29 
  *blink* HOW did I not see that function before tor8 :( Thank you!08:50.27 
  Fantastic, at least the search-highlight thing is now working.08:57.02 
tor8 inflex: look at tor/master for another commit that might help you with your zoom issues09:07.26 
inflex Thanks.09:09.21 
  I think some of the problem I'm encountering is that when the canvas expands to the limits of the GL window, the scrolls_x/y fz clamping takes effect overrides the offsets; I tried removing the clamping but then the whole page disappeared. Clealy I have a lot more to learn about this muPDF09:56.30 
tor8 inflex: if the page is smaller than the canvas it will be forced centered09:57.48 
inflex Might disable that (force centering) for now.09:59.48 
tor8 inflex: in do_canvas() the if (page_tex.w <= canvas_w) statement is where you want to poke around then10:18.02 
avih tor8: did something change in mujs.pc file recently? mpv checks for mujs >= 1.0 using pkgconf, and it now failed to detect it. the version at the .pc file is now cbdf814 which apparently doesn't count as >= 1.011:15.26 
  i'm pretty sure it didn't have this issue not long ago - while building git master11:16.12 
  i don't _think_ i always just happened to be on a release tag on the master branch tip.11:16.49 
tor8 avih: the mujs.pc version number is taken from the git. unless you're on a release tag then it will be formatted in a different way.11:17.16 
  tor/master should have the version number as: 1.0.3-8-g0fce5eb11:17.41 
avih but i was always on HEAD, and never had this issue in the past...11:17.43 
tor8 1.0.3, plus eight more commits, git checksum 0fce5eb11:17.57 
avih right, but mine is not 1.0.3-foo-bar. it's just Version: cbdf81411:18.19 
tor8 avih: what says git describe --tags --always11:18.42 
avih just the hash. hmm, i do have shallow clone though11:19.16 
tor8 and also "git tag -l"?11:19.30 
avih but still, i haven't changed it11:19.32 
tor8 that would probably explain it -- then you don't have the tags that 'git describe' needs to format the version number11:19.51 
avih this does show 1.0.0 and .1 and .2 and .311:19.59 
tor8 well, a shallow clone is missing the history, so maybe it can't trace the ancestry of your commit to the tag?11:20.40 
avih but git tag -l does show the tags. again, i haven't changed the setup. previously it was detected as >= 1.011:20.41 
tor8 avih: can you checkout a tag?11:20.48 
avih probably not, but let me try11:21.02 
  yeah, i can11:21.17 
tor8 and git describe on that tag?11:21.25 
avih but the history from head doesn't reach the tab. it only goes 2 commits back - and none of tem is the tag11:22.04 
  $ git describe --tags11:22.50 
  but just git describe gives:11:23.05 
  $ git describe11:23.06 
  fatal: No annotated tags can describe '25821e6d74fab5fcc200fe5e818362e03e114428'.11:23.06 
tor8 avih: on your master checkout. git log --oneline HEAD11:23.14 
  does it say "grafted" there?11:23.17 
avih iirc yes11:23.24 
tor8 cause that would explain why it can't trace back to a tag to describe11:23.26 
avih yes11:23.32 
tor8 so, don't use shallow clones (or if you must, make sure to have it deep enough to reach the tag)11:23.51 
avih as i said, the history from HEAD only goes back 2 commits (my shallow depth) and doesn't reach a tag11:23.53 
tor8 the mujs.pc depends on git finding the tag to give you a proper version number11:24.18 
avih i realize that. so previously i was just lucky?11:24.55 
  so there are no version files as part of the archive itself?11:25.37 
  as part of the *files*11:25.45 
tor8 correct. if you are building from not-a-git directory (such as a tarball archive) it will pick up the version name from the directory name.11:26.53 
  mujs.pc is created as part of the build step11:27.30 
avih i know when it's created. so for a tarball it looks at the tar/dir name? that's a bit meh, isn't it?11:28.11 
tor8 shrugs.11:28.20 
avih tor8: you think it'd be a bad idea to keep a VERSION which will be used at the PC and updated manually whenever you tag a release?11:30.46 
tor8 avih: I dislike having redundant information that needs to be kept manually in check. What we have now is good enough, IMO.11:56.18 
  Robin_Watts: a handful of commits on tor/master for review, if you got a moment.11:57.10 
avih i don't disagree about redundancy, though the tarball dirname thingy is quite meh imo.11:57.23 
  and apparently shallow clones are affected, and don't have the dir name..11:57.45 
tor8 shallow clones are a terrible hack; and when the full history of mujs.git still results in a <1Mb repository I really don't see why you'd use a shallow repository with all the caveats and breakage such repos involve.11:59.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: "Fix segfault in SVG parser when encountering text data."12:00.15 
  Could maybe do with a tag more explanation in the commit message?12:00.29 
  Isn't text data rather common?12:00.39 
  Other than that, all lgtm.12:01.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: can do. updated commit there now.12:02.12 
  fz_xml_tag returns NULL for non-tag elements (i.e. the text nodes)12:02.24 
avih tor8: i don't know about being a hack, but it does have its use case, though clearly not for mujs being a very small repo. i just had this build system where all projects are shallow, and it worked till now. i already modified mujs to not do shallow, but it could bite others too. anyway, fyi.12:03.14 
tor8 fz_xml_is_tag is a better function, which I believe I added after writing the original code and never retrofitted onto it.12:03.17 
  avih: are you telling me that there's a build system that uses pkgconfig for non-system dependencies? ick! :)12:04.07 
avih yes, because mpv sometimes need new packages which are not provided by the distro (mujs typically being one of them, but recent ffmpeg version frequently is too), it creates a custom prefix and installs these uncommon/latest deps in there and adjusts PKG_CONFIG_PATH such that mpv finds the correct libs12:05.39 
  then links mpv statically with those libs such that you don't need to maintain conflicting system libs12:06.21 
  (this is mostly true for ffmpeg)12:06.37 
  and that's the updated config file to not use shallow with mujs https://github.com/avih/mpv-build/commit/8ee0ae5612:07.41 
tor8 avih: I would suggest such a build system to always grab a specific version, not just the master12:08.47 
  because who knows what breakage could slip in on a random commit that hasn't been tagged as a stable release12:09.23 
avih tor8: it can, but by default all packages are configured to gram HEAD12:09.25 
tor8 nitpicking here, but HEAD is the name for the currently checked out commit ... you mean master don't you?12:09.55 
avih i could have configured it also to use the latest release tag, it a specific tag etc.12:10.04 
  no, i mean upstream's head12:10.16 
  which is typically master, but not always12:10.27 
tor8 that sounds even scarier...12:11.03 
avih for instance in luajit upstream's HEAD is the latest release branch iirc, while master is the dev branch. again _IIRC_12:11.08 
tor8 but I guess that could be one way to do it12:11.21 
avih whatever upstream defines as its HEAD, that's how the projects are configured to update by default.12:11.44 
inflex tor8, I got the zoom in working fine now, perhaps slightly cumbersome, and some double->int rounding issues, but overall working great12:11.58 
avih and shallow. which has a big impact with huge projects like ffmpeg etc12:12.09 
  especially if you use it in a docker thingy and do everything from scratch.12:12.39 
tor8 avih: that's interesting, I may just have learned something new about git today!12:12.57 
avih (otehrwise shallow or not typically affects only the close, but has way less impact on updates)12:13.09 
tor8 avih: if you fetch from mujs.git (the main repo, on ghostscript.com) that should now have a release branch and HEAD should be set to that12:14.09 
avih oh? :)12:14.27 
  that's uncommon though. in the vast majority of projects HEAD is the main dev branch, or "trunk", while releases are tagged/branched12:15.19 
tor8 avih: I only have one branch ... the development branch.12:15.58 
  but I'm happy enough to have a release branch that just points to the latest tagged release12:16.22 
inflex Seems learning "Best practices" in git is quite a learning journey in itself.12:16.49 
  I'm a complete disaster with git :(12:16.56 
moolc inflex: if you will find a person who isn't please share his identity12:17.19 
avih tor8: wait, so the main repo's HEAD is now 1.0.3 ? which branch is that? and where are the commits beyond 1.0.3 ?12:17.31 
inflex moolc, it's hard enough just getting up to speed with other people's codebases (as opposed to "I'm gonna change everything!"), let alone acquiring git skills along the way. Maybe in 15 years more I'll be reasonable at it.12:19.12 
avih hmm.. so this is now 1.0.3 http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mujs.git;a=summary not great IMO12:19.23 
tor8 avih: the main repo has two branches: master and release, several tags: 1.0.x, and HEAD points to release12:19.25 
inflex ( and now I've completely ruined the purity of what was mupdf-gl )12:19.47 
tor8 avih: ugh. yeah. not ideal.12:19.49 
moolc inflex: the lesson here is - don't mess with other peoples codebases12:20.00 
  write everything yourself12:20.07 
avih tor8: the convention that HEAD is master is a pretty strong one IMO12:20.21 
inflex moolc, I like your style.12:20.22 
tor8 inflex: I *significantly* rewrote big chunks of mupdf-gl on my 'ui' branch12:20.23 
  avih: yeah.12:20.34 
moolc inflex: thank you, it took me years12:20.52 
avih but it's fine to have a release branch too12:20.53 
inflex tor8, oh okay, I don't feel so bad then. I basically selected different primary tasks based on the anticipated workflow12:20.57 
tor8 avih: would a 'release' branch that just sits on the latest commit work for you (then you can ask the build system to just get the latest 'release' branch)12:21.22 
moolc inflex: have you tried llpp, i mean.. you like my style and all that12:21.36 
tor8 inflex: the 'ui' branch adds an annotation editing UI (and the IMGUI stuff that's needed for it)12:21.55 
avih (in my update config, pointing it to upstream's master branch would have been "^master" )12:22.09 
inflex tor8, orconut's ImGui?12:22.46 
tor8 inflex: no. homebrewed (the way it's supposed to be done...)12:23.06 
  I'm not touching C++12:23.15 
  Robin_Watts: thanks.12:24.04 
avih tor8: any configuration would work, and my update config is very flexible. see here how it can be configured to be basically anything https://github.com/avih/mpv-build/blob/mpv-build-rewrite/config/default.conf#L7412:24.06 
  but it's not about me. it's about following common conventions.12:24.18 
moolc yeah12:24.26 
  mupdf is known for that12:24.31 
  following conventions12:24.34 
inflex tor8, right, wasn't sure; since I see IMGUI both as that project, and the type of GUI.12:24.53 
  I must say, that is what I found very pleasing with mupdf... the C. I'm working a medium project here that's done in C++ and I just find it a never ending tangle.12:26.53 
tor8 inflex: we try keeping it simple. we don't always succeed, though....12:28.21 
moolc inflex: apparently the authors of the tangles haven't cloned and studied https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines/ C++12:28.34 
  is wonderful12:28.39 
  fluffy and modern12:28.44 
avih inflex: agreed, and tor8 generally has a sense for clean C code :)12:29.34 
inflex It certainly made my life considerably easier, so again, thank you ( I still will always code in C given a choice, assuming it's reasonably appropriate ).12:31.22 
moolc inflex: bear in mind that mupdf has a hard dependency on C++ library.. and is written in a language most compilers for which are written in C++ (gcc/clang/msc)12:32.47 
  so uhm12:32.49 
  transitively mupdf is a C++ project12:33.02 
tor8 moolc: thankfully harfbuzz doesn't depend on the C++ standard library. If it did, we'd likely ditch it.12:34.16 
moolc tor8: give it time12:35.23 
  and you rejected my pitch for a C library back in the day12:35.35 
tor8 opentype layout is a thorny problem. harfbuzz is at least mature and well bashed on. can't quite remember which library you advocated for, how is it doing these days?L12:36.37 
moolc tor8: m17n is doing well i suppose... emacs is still using it12:37.06 
avih tor8: under normal workflow, the remote HEAD affects mostly the initial clone - as it checks out the branch pointed to by the remote HEAD. so before you restored the repo to point to master, if you cloned it, you'd have ended up with the release branch checked out12:40.37 
tor8 moolc: LGPL is problematic for our commercial customers.12:41.07 
  avih: yes. that's why I changed it back.12:41.54 
avih aye12:42.16 
moolc tor8: oh.. yeah fair point.. harfbuzz is mit never knew that12:43.10 
tor8 moolc: I suspect that's the main reason I didn't investigate m17n more thoroughly (but it's been a while, my memory of distant events is not so good)12:43.50 
avih (that's because "distant" changes its semantics as you amass years!)12:44.45 
moolc tor8: another thing might have been m17n reliance on external files for it's shaping magic.. hb sorta expects decent in-font machinery (not always the case mind you)12:45.00 
inflex Is there a "Bring to the top" FreeGLUT call in Windows? I've tried pop/push without luck.12:54.59 
tor8 inflex: glutPush/PopWindow are no-ops in windows on freeglut12:57.54 
inflex That explains that then. I thought I was just coding it wrong.12:58.09 
tor8 I don't think there is an equivalent Win32 call to XRaise/LowerWindow12:58.17 
inflex in SDL I have SDL_RaiseWindow(), in GDI I have BringWindowToTop( hwnd ); (if I save the hwnd from the FreeGLUT window var )12:59.27 
  Will have to leave that feature for another year.13:00.10 
tor8 freeglut is pretty easy to modify13:00.49 
  adding the missing functions shouldn't be too hard13:00.55 
inflex I'll get other things sorted out first. Too many fingers in pies now.13:02.30 
  regarding mupdf-gl, why does the "manual" decoding of the button states to determine wheel actions work in *nix/X, but not in windows (in windows I have to set glutMouseWheelFunction() to on_wheel(), but in X have to keep it as on_mouse() .16:05.08 
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