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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/05/31)20180601 
Hufokus Hello! Is there any recommended method to copy pixmap? I need two identical pixmaps in different places17:36.15 
tor8 Hufokus: fz_pixmap is reference counted, so you can have multiple references to the same pixmap17:38.25 
  pixmaps should be read-only once they have been created17:38.45 
Hufokus tor8: I zoom pages, so pixmap is being replaced by new pixmap, and the previous one is being dropped. To make zoom I should take original pixmap, not a scaled one. So I have to keep two pixmap - original and scaled. To do so I should intially have two copies of the same pixmap17:45.32 
  if I understand things right17:46.00 
tor8 define "replace" ... do you modify the existing fz_pixmap to do the zoom?17:55.38 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/06/02)>>> 
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