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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/06/13)20180614 
tor8 paulgardiner: I'm not convinced looking at your code will solve the problem10:57.40 
  I just compared your sample file with what the old code synthesized for a form field: https://ghostscript.com/~tor/form-filling.png10:57.58 
  the "VENDOR NAME" string. on the left is the original file contents, on the right is what mupdf 1.12 synthesizes if the AP is missing.10:58.33 
  and editing the same field in acrobat also shifts the text position rather drastically11:01.25 
paulgardiner Is the "VENDER NAME" label a form field?11:27.45 
  What does AR do with the version of that file where the AP is removed?11:29.57 
  That's maybe not the best test. Comparing with the placement that AR gives when form fields are filled out might be better.11:31.06 
tor8 paulgardiner: it is a form field11:33.38 
  it approximates the horizontal alignment of the original, but the vertical alignment is more in line with your code11:34.06 
paulgardiner That fits with my memory. I didn't think my code was correct, but it was closish.11:34.52 
tor8 the 'new' code on tor/ui matches the vertical alignment of the original better11:35.16 
  bxut it's not what adobe does11:35.19 
paulgardiner Yeah, but in another file I have here, it's looking quite far out from AR when filling form fields.11:36.43 
  I'd have thought a match to AR is what we want, because we are more usually trying to match what AR does when a form is being filled out than dealing with a missing appearance stream.11:38.00 
  Are those form fields that are marked as not editable then? I have no recollection of such things.11:38.54 
tor8 paulgardiner: only one of the 'labels' are form fields11:40.14 
  the VENDOR NAME one11:40.22 
  and it's got a much higher object number, so I suspect it's been edited in after the rest of the form was created11:40.39 
  the other fields have object numbers 20-40 or thereabouts, but the VENDOR NAME one has number 39411:40.56 
paulgardiner I've sent you another file. Admittedly, the fields were filled out with the old mupdf, so you aren't looking to avoid movement with respect to them completely, but the placements aren't far off AR. Currently they jump a lot with the ui branch code.11:43.29 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah. I've tweaked the positioning mostly lookign at FreeText annotations11:44.04 
  I suspect the behaviour for padding and borders needs to be rather different for Widget/Tx annotations11:44.25 
paulgardiner That could be it11:44.33 
tor8 but thanks for the file. I'll tweak till it matches.11:47.15 
  paulgardiner: yeah, I see the jumps.11:51.06 
  is it 'centering' it vertically in a single-line form? what if you toggle it to multiline?11:51.23 
  the Requestx.pdf file matches quite well what adobe does, at least11:52.09 
paulgardiner Oh, I don't know. But yes: makes sense that multiline would layout differently11:52.55 
  I have some recollection of alignment flags in PDF too.11:53.33 
tor8 paulgardiner: page 2 on that form doesn't seem to format the fields correctly (the 0% fields)12:06.13 
  if I fill in a 0 it formats as blank12:06.20 
  and when I edit it, it shows up with the '%' in the value to edit, which acrobat doesn't12:07.04 
  is the 'format' constructor only to be invoked when generating the appearance, and not modify the value itself perhaps?12:07.37 
  and in mupdf 1.12 if I edit the form fields on page 2 in mupdf-win32 the changes don't show up on the page12:09.27 
  but on page 1 they do12:09.30 
  paulgardiner: hm, your code doesn't handle blank lines either... :)12:11.30 
paulgardiner Oops!12:11.55 
Robin_Watts reboot.12:18.47 
avih tor8: it seems it's impossible to disable readline in mujs if uname returns "Linux", e.g. while cross building for windows. i tried adding -UHAVE_READLINE to XCFLAGS but then it still tried to link -lreadline, which mingw doesn't have20:56.00 
  (also, wouldn't you want readline for osx? bsd?)20:56.41 
  you don't have configure for mujs, so imo readline should be disabled by default20:58.30 
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