Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/06/20)20180621 
vaskark hi. i've compiled mupdf from git on ubuntu bionic and everything works great. i have a question about compile time options. is there a way to list them?04:30.10 
  i'm just interested in making the small version of mupdf to see what's different.04:39.38 
tor8 vaskark (for the logs): take a look in Makerules to see what build=foo options are available09:51.56 
  vaskark: you're probably looking for "make build=small"09:52.21 
  vaskark: or, "make build=small XCFLAGS='-DTOFU -DTOFU_CJK'"09:53.16 
paulgardiner tor8: would you mind reviewing the commit on my master? It's needed for signature support in muso. I've just set off a cluster test.14:11.51 
tor8 paulgardiner: I'll have a look tomorrow20:28.05 
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