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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/06/24)20180625 
inflex I'm thinking the hiccup is that on macOS, the GLUT is actually not freeGLUT.00:25.14 
  ja, fairly sure it's using the internal GLUT framework, which is somewhat more perplexing given that I would have thought the internal one would be covering more aspects. I'll do some more digging, otherwise, might have to wrap it all in SDL01:03.57 
tor8 inflex: MacOS X has their own GLUT fork, with its own quirks and limitations.09:35.44 
inflex tor8, as I've duly run in to :laugh:09:36.04 
tor8 inflex: it's most notably missing our enhancements to FreeGLUT, such as copy & paste and international text input.09:36.15 
inflex ( more of an insane sad laugh )09:36.19 
tor8 inflex: you could write your own glut wrapper on top of something like GLFW09:36.59 
inflex the mouse-wheel support is something that does perplex me, I see that there's patches for the macOS version, just find it odd it's not part of the default release09:37.00 
tor8 Apple doesn't care about maintaining anything but their own rapidly evolving (and breaking everyone's code) frameworks09:37.31 
  GLFW evolved a bit too rapidly and in a direction I don't care for, adding depencies on things like Vulkan etc.09:38.45 
moolc tor8: are there some form of pint_in_rect/quad utility functions (i've missed)?09:44.02 
tor8 moolc: I don't think so.09:45.20 
  but you never know what can lurk in a 15 year old codebase...09:45.36 
moolc tor8: hah09:45.46 
  it's kinda boring have to repeat that again and again09:46.03 
  then again fine opportunity to put _Generic( to use09:49.20 
inflex someone after a generic point-in-quad algorithm?09:58.46 
  tor8, wondering how painful it'll be for me to modify to use SDL2+ImGui (Ocornut's) which I know at least does work across all 3 platforms for me10:06.40 
tor8 inflex: it sounds like you might be better off to just fork and work on your own viewer.10:19.16 
  and then not have to worry about maintaing some sort of patch on top of the upstream mupdf-gl source code10:19.54 
inflex tor8, I've somewhat had to do that at this point already, yes10:26.59 
  At least the mupdf engine as it stands is already such a good working point.10:27.32 
  Managed to get things started, but for some reason the rendered page isn't (yet) showing up on my window, though the glcontext seems valid (can change the colour of the background), pages can be scrolled through, just not showing on screen. Clearly missed a scaling difference between GLUT and SDL at this point.16:05.54 
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