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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/07/03)20180704 
paulgardiner tor8: did you get a chance to look at signature-field appearance streams? I think once that's in, there's nothing stopping me taking on all your new stuff in muso.08:58.33 
tor8 paulgardiner: sorry, was distracted chasing down your other issues09:07.29 
  I still hope to have that done by friday09:07.35 
  paulgardiner: btw, I did waste some time rejigging the matrix and rect API for a proposal that's on tor/nostar09:08.11 
paulgardiner Oh, that would be great09:08.13 
tor8 if that goes in, it'll cause you a brief moment of pain while you change things from passing pointers to values (but brief and quickly fixed, and hopefully the end result will be cleaner code and worth it)09:09.15 
paulgardiner I prefer the passing by value style: far more readable, but didn't Robin perform some timing tests that showed it did actually cost us significantly?09:11.19 
tor8 paulgardiner: I redid some timing tests and find vague conclusions that passing by value might possibly end up being faster, but nothing conclusive can be measured09:12.05 
paulgardiner Okay then. Sounds good to me.09:12.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=797f898669d69bf0e5a0c75a3c03a07296c1255609:13.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: change is_indirect to pdf_is_stream perhaps?09:14.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, I wondered. I could live with that.09:40.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: alternatively, only "if (!pdf_name_eq(... Identity)" and error on anything that is neither a stream (because we try to open it) or is not Identity09:41.21 
Robin_Watts yeah. if it's a stream load it. if it's a name, and it's identity, silently do nothing, otherwise if it exists, warn.09:41.59 
  warn rather than error, probably, cos error stops anything displaying.09:42.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: or if (pdf_is_stream()) ... else if (not Identity) warn09:42.17 
Robin_Watts that.09:42.26 
tor8 go for it.09:42.30 
Robin_Watts I'll put that together.09:42.32 
  tor8: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=92668c4346480ff4038ecd9ee7beacb68890039209:57.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: LGTM10:12.07 
Robin_Watts Ta.10:12.30 
tor8 paulgardiner: on top of tor/master (if you can cope with the pass-by-value changes) is a commit for digital signature appearances10:36.18 
paulgardiner tor8: great ta10:36.41 
tor8 I had to fake a test button in mupdf-gl because I don't know how to hook up actual signing. I should probably look into that :)10:36.43 
paulgardiner I believe we have signature verification at least in the DebugOpenssl Windows build, and I have a commit that adds signing to that.10:38.51 
tor8 I find nothing in the source that calls pdf_sign_signature10:39.25 
paulgardiner yeah, that's in my commit10:39.45 
tor8 only pdf_check_signature10:39.47 
  right, sorry, misunderstood you.10:39.55 
paulgardiner tor8: it doesn't look quite right, but it will probably do for now. The righthand side looks not to have used as much as the vertical space as it could have, plus there's supposed to be a symbol.11:06.30 
  What's the preferred way to share an image on IRC?11:07.24 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, I didn't put in the logo and I just made sure the right hand side should fit within 6 lines11:08.19 
paulgardiner Ah okay. That matches what I see11:08.56 
tor8 It looks similar to Adobe's appearance apart from not vertically centering the right-most text11:09.22 
  I think it should be good enough for now at least.11:09.27 
paulgardiner I've just pushed my windows signing commit to my repo in case it's useful, branch windows-signing. Runs off your current master11:13.14 
tor8 paulgardiner: thanks.11:19.42 
  that looks simple enough11:20.07 
  (if you have a pfx file around...)11:20.20 
paulgardiner In the post11:22.20 
tor8 paulgardiner: ah, your commit is missing winquery and wingetcertpath11:27.20 
  but maybe those only exist on windows, not on x1111:27.30 
  I'll see about porting this to mupdf-gl11:28.30 
paulgardiner I think that's right. Doesn't look like I missed anything from the commit.11:29.00 
tor8 paulgardiner: no, it's just missing the stubs for x1111:29.12 
  paulgardiner: I'm getting segfaults in drop_signer when signing fails and I try to clean up.15:09.46 
  paulgardiner: if you give a wrong password to the certificate it crashes15:10.24 
paulgardiner Oh right. I'll take a look15:10.44 
  tor8: fix on that same branch15:19.26 
  Along with a fix for another problem I found earlier.15:19.43 
  At the moment, I'm trying to figure out what else we should be checking as part of verification. There could be a new incremental update since the last signing. We don't currently report that. I'm not sure how to handle it.15:21.17 
tor8 paulgardiner: thanks, that fix worked.15:26.12 
  paulgardiner: I still get verification errors on the sample file, "Self-signed certificate"15:26.31 
  is there a way to know that the file matches the certificate even if the certificate cannot be verified itself15:27.08 
paulgardiner The way things are at the moment, that is what that message means. If the file has been changed, that will be reported instead.15:28.05 
tor8 paulgardiner: right. have you got a file that goes through verification completely?15:28.51 
paulgardiner tor8: I do. Just the one file, but that one now seems to fail on loading, in a way unrelated to signatures.15:37.42 
  An fz_image_key with an image 0xcccccccc15:39.14 
  Ah no, it looks like *ctm where ctm = NULL is the problem15:40.29 
  Could be the matrix/rect change15:41.10 
  This is in fz_get_pixmap_from_image, where it calls fz_compute_image_key, maybe it wants ctm ? *ctm : id_transform15:43.44 
  I mean ctm ? *ctm : fz_identity15:46.00 
  Looks like that works, and now the file loads and the signature checks okay. I'll send you the file15:46.24 
tor8 paulgardiner: could be, toss me the file and I'll have a look.16:40.35 
fredross-perry tor8, paulgardiner: I've got a list popup working when the user taps on a form field that is a list or combo box. Is there something in the file format, and in the API, that represents what an author might have provided as a prompt?16:58.04 
theatomheart when i click on a hyperlink in mupdf it opens in an unpreferred browser and i can't seem to find where/how to change that to use $BROWSER17:27.23 
paulgardiner fredross-perry: I don't think there is. I believe the design intends in-place filling of forms, which we should probably work towards in time.17:32.31 
tor8 fredross-perry: paulgardiner: I think maybe the /TU entry might be something to that effect?17:34.47 
fredross-perry hmmmk.17:35.01 
tor8 nothing in the spec, but adobe seems to have it17:35.38 
fredross-perry I guess an in-place pop-next-to would be fine.17:35.57 
tor8 or the /T entry (field name)17:36.30 
  see 8.6.2 Field Names in the spec17:36.57 
fredross-perry So, I am looking at Adobe Fille & Sign as an example.17:36.58 
  as a UI example.17:37.07 
  they are not even doing lists and combox properly.17:37.31 
  that I can see.17:41.43 
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