Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/07/18)20180719 
savolla hello guys! I didn't know that there is a mupdf channel on IRC :) I want to ask a question about making my pdfs look solarized. how can I invers colors of my pdf I just want to avoid anyhting eye cancer on my machine :D22:29.38 
  I have a css file called solarized-everything.css maybe it can work? where to put it?22:30.20 
tor8 savolla: with mupdf-x11 you can pass -C to tint the screen a certain color22:47.26 
  savolla: that can also be combined with -I to invert colors22:47.38 
savolla is that mupdf-x11 on aur? I'm on manjaro22:52.20 
  btw thanks for advice tor8 :)22:52.38 
  wow it's on mupdf itself. But a read man page 2 times and didn't see any -I option22:54.41 
  thank you again tor8 :)22:54.55 
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