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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/07/25)20180726 
raliste Last resort would be to run independent processes for each page task00:14.22 
zerous Hi07:45.41 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.07:45.41 
zerous Does mupdf support persistent bookmarks?07:46.21 
  I have tried using [number]m and [number]t to save bookmarks but they don't survive if I close the book and re-open it.07:48.50 
kens As far as I know, teh various demonstration apps which use MuPDF (the core library) do not use bookmarks at all07:53.31 
zerous kens: oh, I thought that the documentation here implied that https://mupdf.com/docs/manual-mupdf-gl.html07:56.18 
kens Hmm, well that's a new one on me, clearly Tor has been busy07:56.58 
  You'll have to wait for him to arrive before anyone can comment, but your question is llogged so he'll see it when he gets here07:57.29 
zerous sure, thank you :)07:57.48 
tor8 zerous: sorry, but no. the bookmarks are not saved anywhere.09:27.17 
zerous tor8: ah09:27.38 
  Can it be done if I am willing to study the codebase?09:28.15 
tor8 easily, if you're willing to write the saving and loading code yourself :)09:29.05 
zerous cool09:30.31 
  tor8: Do you have any suggestions regarding where I might start digging?09:31.05 
tor8 I assume you'd want to key the bookmarks to the absolute path name of the open file, and save them in a $HOME/.mupdfinfo (or %APPDATA%\MuPDF\marks on windows)09:31.13 
zerous yup09:31.26 
tor8 in platform/gl/gl-main.c -- load the config file in main(), replace the exit() calls with a save_config_and_exit() function, and restore the bookmarks in load_document()09:32.42 
zerous I see09:33.00 
tor8 at the top of gl-main.c are a few global variables that you want to save and restore09:33.01 
  the struct mark marks[10], and possibly also the history, future, history_count and future_count09:33.26 
  and while you're at it, maybe also the currentpage so if you re-open a file you come back to the same page you were at when you closed09:33.56 
zerous Yeah that would be pretty handy :)09:34.25 
tor8 I've avoided it so far because writing and loading a config file needs a config file parser, and that means deciding on a syntax and a good place to write it09:35.24 
  and we've so far avoided all configuration files, being a 'one executable, no install needed' solution09:35.45 
zerous I see09:36.02 
palashah_ I am facing a problem when compiling mupdf on OSX 10.13.6. It throws me this error -11:12.00 
  ld: warning: option -s is obsolete and being ignored11:12.06 
  Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:11:12.06 
  "_glutLeaveMainLoop", referenced from:11:12.06 
  _do_main in gl-main.o11:12.06 
  ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_6411:12.11 
  clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)11:12.11 
  any help ?11:12.11 
  grateful if someone could reply11:12.17 
  also, if I try copy-paste text in mupdf(installed using homebrew), it outputs a .tiff file. Is that normal behaviour?11:12.17 
tor8 palashah_: building on macosx is always a problem... apple keeps breaking backwards compatibility.11:27.57 
  palashah_: the glutLeaveMainLoop thing is a fairly easy fix11:28.10 
  the linker not supporting '-s' is annoying, but that's just a warning you can ignore11:28.26 
  how do you do the copy-paste?11:28.39 
palashah_ using the mouse right click, and then command + c for copy. when I paste it outputs a .tiff file11:29.16 
  what is the fix though >11:30.07 
tor8 we don't support cmd+c to copy... in fact, I don't think we support copying at all on macosx11:30.12 
  Apple's GLUT version doesn't expose clipboard functionality11:30.21 
  so I expect their GLUT cmd+c copies a screenshot as an image11:30.49 
palashah_ ok :( .11:31.14 
  It is kind of annoying because it copies the entire page.11:31.56 
tor8 palashah_: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=8f229fb183ee390e26daf10cd1732289bb8fee63 try that as a workaround for the build11:32.20 
  palashah_: you could build the old mupdf-x11 and run it in Xquartz if you really need copy & paste11:32.43 
  if Xquartz still exists ... it's been well over 5 years since I last used macosx11:33.35 
palashah_ ok, but I think mupdf-x11 is not supported for macosx, right ?11:33.42 
tor8 it needs an X11 server, which *used* to be shipped with macosx11:34.18 
  but I would not be surprised if apple killed it off11:34.27 
palashah_ X11 server is not supported now11:35.38 
  Understood your fix, will give that a try. Thanks for replying !11:35.39 
tor8 palashah_: in platform/gl/gl-ui.c you could probably hack in some macos specific clipboard copy/paste support in ui_set_clipboard and ui_get_clipboard11:37.08 
  I don't have access to a macos machine myself, but if you make a patch I'll consider taking it on11:37.28 
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