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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/02)20180803 
paulgardiner tor8: is there any reason I should avoid use of POSIX regexp in mupdf?11:34.22 
  It's just that regexps are potentially a good way to process the path strings I'm generating when deriving the changes made by an incremental update11:36.40 
tor8 paulgardiner: the mujs library has a javascript regexp matcher we can reuse11:38.39 
  which regexp matcher were you thinking of using?11:38.57 
paulgardiner I wondered about that. So should I expose that in the API?11:39.21 
tor8 I don't think POSIX regcomp, regexec are available on windows11:39.23 
paulgardiner I wasn't sure how one should access the one in mujs from within mupdf11:40.50 
tor8 #include "regexp.h" from thirdparty/mujs and you should have js_regcomp and js_regexec11:40.57 
paulgardiner Oh okay. That sounds nice. Is that the POSIX flavour?11:41.43 
tor8 almost the POSIX api and flavour11:41.56 
  it's the javascript flavour11:42.00 
paulgardiner Yes, I should have guessed that. :-)11:42.18 
  Okay thanks.11:42.24 
tor8 regexec takes a 'Resub' struct and fills out the 'sub' for the matches. sub[0] is the match itself, and sub[1..9] are the parenthesized groups11:43.12 
  have a look at the end of mujs/regexp.c in the #ifdef TEST to see a simple example of use11:43.44 
  it's Resub instead of nmatch and regmatch_t, but other than that it's the POSIX api with similar constants11:44.43 
  and js_regcompx takes a custom allocator11:45.19 
paulgardiner When I looked yesterday, I think I saw calls to longjmp maybe, or am I misremembering11:49.02 
tor8 paulgardiner: they are not exposed externally11:49.25 
paulgardiner Ah great11:49.33 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/08/04)>>> 
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