Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/05)20180806 
kens sebras without seeing your PDF file its hard to comment, but why are you even bothering with parsing this ? It sounds to me like its a fundamentally broken PDF file.06:53.29 
sebras kens: it's a fuzzed file that we should handle somehow without crashing. so the question is more along the lines of: which one is the most fault tolerant way of parsing hex strings.10:36.22 
  I'm not yet convinced the current approach is the best one.10:36.41 
kens Not crashing is fair enough, but an error seems like the right thing to me10:36.47 
sebras kens: we crashed at a later stage because these strange numbers were out of bounds and we didn't handle that.10:37.43 
kens Yeah I'd be inclined to error out when you encounter the bad heex in the CMap10:38.26 
sebras kens: there's a begincodespace/endcodespace and so I decided to have the ranges inside beginbfrange/endbfrange be limited to the codespace ranges in beginbfrange.10:39.31 
kens What does GS do with the file ?10:39.32 
sebras I believe this is the right thing to do.10:39.39 
sebras is still looking for the file.10:39.48 
kens Yes that seems reasonable10:39.48 
  But I'd throw an error if they aren't10:39.57 
  Unless you can show that Acrobat does 'something else'10:40.10 
sebras kens: I decided to just ignore that particular range.10:40.42 
kens What then happens if a text string uses teh CID in that range ?10:41.18 
sebras _if_ it does I think it should fail, but it might not.10:42.17 
kens Well obviously I know nothing about MuPDF, I'd like to think you;d get an error, but its probably worth checking10:42.45 
sebras kens: the files is 9374*.pdf in my home directory. it comes from oss-fuzz.10:43.00 
kens OK let me look10:43.12 
  My that's a long name.....10:44.21 
sebras kens gs prints a warning but doesn't fail, the page is blank. I think that's fine.10:44.24 
kens Seems reasonable10:44.35 
sebras kens: the first part is the oss-fuzz bug number, the second part is the mupdf SHA1 where it was first reproduced according to oss-fuzz.10:44.54 
kens Hmm current GS code renders some text10:45.40 
  "Issue " then a load of text all on top of itself10:45.56 
  along with a warning about the font Widths array being smaller than the character range10:46.19 
sebras I just run gs 9374*.pdf and get a blank page.10:46.34 
kens as well as complaining about the xref10:46.35 
  What version of GS ?10:46.53 
  Because that's all I'm doign10:47.02 
sebras updates.10:47.17 
kens I get the same with the 9.23 release code10:47.29 
sebras I was on 1c12d01a210:47.36 
kens I've no found a good way to figure out whta the SHA relates to in the logs, other than checking it out....10:48.14 
  But I'm getting txt out, though GS does complain about the file10:48.30 
sebras there's a 9374.png with the rendering that I get out from mupdf after my fixes.10:48.32 
  I still get nothing from gs...10:48.52 
  kens: nothing rendered, just a blank page. the warnings you've mentioned I alos get.10:49.14 
kens The size of the MuPDF png matches GS but not the text I see10:49.23 
  Acrobat refuses even to open it :-)10:49.48 
  So its not important anyway10:49.53 
sebras kens: ok. I haven't even tried that. at first I just wanted mupdf not to crash.10:51.07 
kens Yep, not crashing is important :)10:51.34 
sebras kens then I took a look at object 1 and saw where the issue stemmed from.10:52.25 
Hufokus Hey! How to run_page with specific dpi?21:06.46 
sebras Hufokus: see fz_transform_page() as being called in transform_page() in platform/gl/gl-main.c21:12.19 
  the second argument is expressed in dpi, and you can then use the resulting matrix to transform your page (and even get rotation if you like).21:13.10 
sebras sleeps.21:13.28 
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