Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/09)20180810 
sebras tor8 (for the logs): oh, I didn't remember that command-line variables overrides variables set with :=05:35.38 
  tor8 (also for the logs): += SANITIZE_XFLAGS is not enough, because -fsanitize=memory and -fsanitize=address etc cannot be combined, it is one or the other. with some more elaborate ifdeffing with SANITIZE_XFLAGS to let it entirely replace SANITIZE_FLAGS that might work.05:36.49 
  tor8: so I read that I need to use clang to link, hence I set LD=clang at the command line, but clang doesn't support -b binary used in OBJCOPY_CMD. when retesting without setting LD=clang now it worked, at first I was puzzled then I found out that we use $(CC) for linking, so I actually do not need to set LD=clang, ok.05:48.26 
  that means that make CC=clang CXX=clang SANITIZE_FLAGS=-fsanitize=memory build=sanitize ought to work fine, great. :)05:51.10 
paulgardiner tor8: please can you ping me when "Don't trigger the keystroke event when clearing a form field" and "Respect NoRotate flag for icon-based annotations" hit the main repo.09:56.02 
  Also Fred suggested a change to util.js that we should take on. Not sure what happened with that.09:56.28 
tor8 paulgardiner: I was on vacation :)10:02.23 
  paulgardiner: what was fred's suggestion?10:05.31 
paulgardiner Checking that all of "val" is used up at the end of AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx, otherwise we silently truncate text that fails because of extra chars tagged on the end10:07.32 
  Test that would fail the match, I should say10:08.25 
  Looking at the other similar functions, I think Fred's version would be correct10:09.06 
tor8 paulgardiner: which do you think is best, checking the string length in pdf_text_widget_set_text before calling run_keystroke, or doing the test for clearing a field inside run_keystroke itself?10:12.01 
paulgardiner tor8: I struggle to have a preference. Probably I prefer yours a little.10:13.01 
  I certainly prefer *str == 0 over strlen(str) == 0 :-)10:13.34 
tor8 paulgardiner: okay. I'll push my variant then. just clustering now.10:18.55 
paulgardiner Great ta10:19.04 
  Not that there was any hurry for these changes - just wanted to be sure I didn't overlook when they hit the main repo10:19.51 
tor8 they were reviewed yesterday, so I should get around to pushing them before the weekend after which I'll forget everything again :)10:20.42 
paulgardiner :-)10:24.43 
tor8 paulgardiner: oh rubbish... something in those commits broke the placement of stamp annotations10:35.41 
paulgardiner Bah! That's a pain.10:36.24 
tor8 at least I know what to do the rest of the day then :)10:36.50 
paulgardiner tor8: how do we pick up update for one page caused by changes to another: e.g., I have a form where filling in a field on Page 1 provides the value for similar fields on all pages.12:26.12 
  s/update/the updates/12:29.25 
tor8 paulgardiner: I would expect that to work already, the obj->dirty flag is set when the javascript pokes a new field value12:35.48 
  and that should be picked up in pdf_update_annot12:35.58 
paulgardiner Yeah, I'm currently calling pdf_update_page only for the page with the explicitly changed field on, so hopefully doing so for all displayed pages should fix the problem I'm seeing.12:38.30 
tor8 yeah. calling pdf_update_page when nothing has changed should be a very quick operation12:39.23 
paulgardiner I asked mainly because I thought I remembered there being a problem if when working on a single page, you used two fz_page objects one for making the change and the other for picking up the update. I can't see why that would be problematic if the multiple page case works.12:39.39 
sebras tor8: you change at the top of tor/master LGTM12:40.05 
tor8 yeah, two fz_page's for the same page would be problematic12:40.05 
paulgardiner Yeah, why is that?12:40.17 
tor8 because each page has its own set of loaded annotations and cached state...12:40.31 
  but that *could* be fixed by making all pdf_page objects singletons -- always return the same pdf_page object for each fz_load_page12:41.03 
  but then we'll need to keep a list of currently open pages in the document to look for if you have already opened it12:42.06 
sebras tor8: but that would mean that a change to one is neccessarily a change to them all. do we know that this os always desired?12:44.08 
tor8 both pdf_page's would represent the same page, I can't imagine any situation where you'd want to load the same page but treat them as separate things12:45.19 
  the stuff in the pdf_page is only a way to access the underlying pdf_obj structures using a convenient C interface, with some caching for performance12:45.46 
  and it's the caching that causes problems if you load the same page twice and poke at the pdf_page cached structures in one and expect them to show up in the other.12:46.16 
  either we don't do that, or we have to go to pains to ensure that a stupid client that calls fz_load_page twice without knowing it's already got the page open elsewhere gets the same pdf_obj struct both times12:47.01 
  IMO it's easier and generally more sound architecture to structure a client so it doesn't open a page twice, than futz around making workarounds for "bad" behaviour in the library12:47.48 
paulgardiner In muso there a few cases where I have multiple fz_pages for a single page, but I could possibly avoid it. One reason is because of multiple views on the same page, another is loading page for search independently of what's visible.12:47.50 
tor8 someone will need to keep track of what's open and closed, either we move that magic into the fz_document interface or the client needs to do it12:48.26 
  say, what should the library do if you decide to delete a page while it's open, or insert a page in the middle, etc12:50.03 
  we'd need to take care of all these corner cases if we were to add some memoization thing for loading pages12:50.38 
  or have a linear search through all open pages, or have a big fat array of fz_page pointers in the document, wasting memory12:51.12 
  paulgardiner: why would multiple views on a page require multiple fz_load_pages?12:51.59 
  paulgardiner: I assume the easiest solution would be for either muso or the fz_document to have an array of fz_page objects that are loaded12:52.37 
  but then we need to be able to free it if the last instance is dropped12:53.07 
  so maybe a linked list in the fz_document is preferable12:53.18 
paulgardiner tor8: the use with multiple views is simply that I haven't run into sufficient problems with it to address it. :-)13:03.00 
tor8 paulgardiner: I'm looking into a simple singleton-ifying list in fz_document13:03.19 
paulgardiner I could quite easily create an fz_page cache13:03.30 
  tor8: that may well be worth doing, just because it might simplify things for all clients.13:04.09 
  ... well not for the ones that have taken the trouble to avoid the problem already.13:04.32 
  Hang on. Wouldn't that require reference counted fz_pages?13:05.13 
  ... or are you thinking keep them until the doc is closed?13:05.40 
tor8 fz_pages are already reference counted.13:05.51 
paulgardiner Oh okay13:06.17 
  Come to think of it, there are still difficulties in clients even with the singletons. The update for a page have to be sent to all views on that page13:07.32 
  ... but then again having different fz_pages for a single page doesn't help with that, at least how thing are now.13:11.08 
tor8 no, I think multiplexing multiple views onto one page will need some more fancy propagation13:12.44 
paulgardiner I'm now thinking to ensure updates work correctly, I will need to do the same structuring that I'd use to ensure only one fz_page per page, so the singleton thing may not help.13:12.51 
tor8 likely a wrapper object in muso that has a list of 'currently viewing this page' views13:13.06 
paulgardiner Yeah13:13.16 
tor8 paulgardiner: right. if you need it, I've put a WIP commit adding a singleton tracker on tor/master13:13.59 
paulgardiner Okay ta13:14.27 
tor8 completely untested you understand :)13:15.42 
paulgardiner I think likely I wont use it. Apologies for provoking you to do it. I think it's time I made sure this all worked properly in muso. I think I can make it so that the obj-C level page objects can have multiple instances per page, and each will handle update correctly, but in the implementation of those ensure that a singe fz_page per page is used. That way I don't need to change anything...13:21.57 
  ...outside the low level obj-C MuPDFDKLib13:21.58 
tor8 paulgardiner: not a problem. I might even decide to keep the patch anyway, since it certainly shouldn't do much harm and it's a small simple patch.13:42.58 
paulgardiner Yeah, I can't see how it can other than help13:43.26 
tor8 only issue is what happens when we start inserting and deleting and moving pages around, if we add such APIs13:43.45 
  which is why it's still a WIP13:44.21 
paulgardiner Oh, turns out I already distribute the updates correctly. I've forgotten how this all works.13:51.37 
sebras tor8: have you looked at fred/master? it looked reasonable to me.14:22.26 
tor8 sebras: already pushed in commit 199668e9314:37.33 
fredross-perry sebras, tor8 - while you're at it, can you take a look at fred/forms2? It's the stuff I've done to get form editing working in SO.14:38.11 
tor8 fredross-perry: I think all changes except the "WIP working on form filling" are already on master14:38.44 
  fredross-perry: if you want I can take a look at that commit too (but it'll have to wait till next week)14:39.06 
fredross-perry ok, thanks. I don't mean to push it just yet, 'cause I know you' (or sebras) will have a bunch of comments.14:39.57 
sebras tor8: oh, I wasn't aware that you pushed it sorry. :)15:46.50 
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