Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/12)20180813 
q3cpma Hello, is this normal if clipboard function doesn't work with mupdf-gl (1.13)? Works as it should with -x1116:41.58 
sebras q3cpma: let me try.17:32.42 
  q3cpma: on git HEAD it works for me on Debian/linux.17:34.16 
  q3cpma: let me compile 1.13.0 and see if it works there too (it ought to work).17:34.44 
  q3cpma: from 1.13.0 until commit bde703f83b83232f830426b45957b10e4e44043d mupdf only copies to the clipboard (requiring you to ctrl-v when you paste in gedit or something like that)17:45.00 
  as of commit bde703f83b83232f830426b45957b10e4e44043d mupdf also copies the selected text in the same way as mupdf-x11 did.17:45.43 
  so basically this is an issue that has been fixed since the last release. it will be fixed in the upcoming release17:47.13 
  q3cpma: if you compile mupdf on your own you can try to add "glutSetClipboard(GLUT_PRIMARY, buf);" to ui_set_clipboard() in platform/gl/gl-ui.c that ought to fix the issue until the next release.17:48.33 
  q3cpma: I need to go afk now, but I'll be back later and read the logs.17:48.57 
q3cpma Sorry about the afk.17:50.34 
  The mystery was solved in #gentoo, it's because we don't use the bundled freeglut. I understand that you're bundling because upstream is dead, but I'll keep using -x11. (now if -x11 could select by lines instead of an arbitrary rectangle, I could die happy)17:52.38 
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