Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/22)20180823 
paulgardiner There's another little fix on my master14:05.02 
tor8 paulgardiner: LGTM14:09.09 
paulgardiner Thanks Tor14:09.16 
  I wonder if it is my jobs that kill the cluster?!14:26.46 
kens No the cluster has been having a bad day today14:27.04 
  Its cost me a lot of time14:27.10 
paulgardiner Oh okay14:27.23 
kens paulgardiner: could you kill your test please14:43.28 
  There's only one node running it will tajke hours14:44.06 
paulgardiner Sure. How do I do that?14:46.45 
kens add abort to the invocation14:47.01 
  sp clusterpush.pl abort14:47.15 
  Sorry but you'll have to submit it again :-(14:47.33 
paulgardiner No probs14:47.39 
  My local user is paul and I'm paulg on the cluster, so I use "clusterpush.py paulg". Where does the abort come?14:48.15 
kens Ah, well now I have no clue14:48.31 
  maybe after the paulg but I don't know14:48.53 
paulgardiner the usage text suggests that's the case14:49.52 
  Yeah, that worked.14:50.25 
kens thanks14:50.30 
  cluster seems to be happy now thanks again paulgardiner14:53.44 
paulgardiner So okay to resubmit?14:54.08 
kens paulgardiner: sorry was in the other channel, yes of course, resubmit15:19.28 
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