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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/25)20180826 
inflex I get a "cannot find page tree" fault with this file on the latest muPDF git pull ( and earlier ones ), http://dxp.me/bad-tree.pdf01:45.07 
  Loads with other viewers such as qpdfview01:45.41 
sebras inflex: I had a quick look. both acroread and evince succeeds in parsing that file and displaying a result.05:21.11 
  inflex: the reason we can't is that in the trailer object the pointer to the previous xref is botched (it points to the beginning of the file).05:21.46 
  when we encounter that we fail and then we fail to parse the root object (becuase the previous xref was never parsed)05:22.10 
  inflex: if I update the /Prev entry from /Prev 0 to /Prev 1934935 mupdf can also parse the file correctly.05:23.15 
  inflex: this is now bug 699672. please report things there next time. that way it won't be forgotten and if you upload the document we won't lose the file exhibiting the issue.05:30.10 
  inflex: if the file is private you can ask us here to mark it private (so only the developers can see it).05:30.48 
  inflex: if you want to point to the bug from here, just use the bug number.05:31.36 
inflex Thanks, appreciate that07:06.10 
sebras inflex: I have updated the bug with info. perhaps you want to read it or add yourself to CC to see when it is fixed proper.07:07.59 
inflex Thanks, have been reading it07:13.27 
  sebras, when I try to look at your commit it comes up as "Commit not found"07:39.18 
sebras inflex: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/sebras/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=4df3be585fcc4919629c27f6c9dcb67c1483ff19;hp=57a7d99448ee963ee809589923d7c405f4c76e6c07:49.38 
  inflex: our bugzilla doesn't search all users' git repos for commits, only the public ones.07:50.00 
  inflex: I'm not sure this fix is the best one, it might be changes after the review.07:50.17 
inflex I love patches like that07:50.44 
  Mmm, seems to throw a lot of issues now; error: negative xref stream offset for previous xref stream08:28.33 
  warning: trying to repair broken xref08:28.33 
  warning: repairing PDF document08:28.34 
  Though I'm using a different / older set of code ( something forked off tor8 ), but the patch is still applicable. It does seem to resolve the original issue, just produces a lot of the new errors/warnings.08:29.24 
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