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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/08/27)20180828 
paulgardiner tor8: it would be great if the too-long name fix got to the main repo soonish. I can then resync muso and sign off some bugs.08:27.49 
  There's a commit on my master removing the use of fixed-size buffers (and a fixed size allocation of space within the file) when signing a document. The signer object had to be updated with an additional entry point to achieve this.13:20.06 
tor8 paulgardiner: okay, I've got a cleaned up version of the too-long commit on tor/master13:33.17 
  I'll cluster that and if it passes I'll push it13:33.25 
paulgardiner great thanks13:33.35 
tor8 paulgardiner: "Avoid use of fixed size buffers for the digest when document signing" looks reasonable, modulo some whitespace irregularities "while(bdata)" is missing a space after while, and the commit message is missing a period at the end of the sentence.13:36.01 
paulgardiner Ahhhh! I keep forgetting the latter.13:36.27 
  Right. Pushed an updated version13:40.58 
sebras tor8: ^^13:47.06 
  tor8: also I have updated sebras/master which a commit fixing the overflow we discussed separately.13:47.34 
paulgardiner Hmmm: confused by the MSVC section of thirdparty/freeglut/README.win32: it says to where various files should be copied: it doesn't say how to obtain these files in the first place.14:18.50 
  ... unless it's referring to the contents of thirdparty/freeglut, but then freeglut\freeglut\include\GL doesn't make any sense.14:19.39 
tor8 paulgardiner: no need for any of that ... we find and use the headers and libraries using explicit paths in our vcproj files14:24.45 
paulgardiner The build is failing here14:25.10 
  I'll just check I have all submodule updated14:25.55 
tor8 you still shouldn't need to install the freeglut headers and libraries on your system...14:26.01 
paulgardiner 1>fg_display_mswin.c14:26.47 
  1>c:\users\paul\documents\git\mupdf\thirdparty\freeglut\include\gl\freeglut.h(17) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'freeglut_std.h': No such file or directory14:26.49 
  ... although the file is present14:27.30 
tor8 strange. I find 6 configurations in platform/win32/libfreeglut.vcproj and 6 lines setting AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\..\thirdparty\freeglut\include"14:29.04 
  I think you might need Robin_Watts for this14:29.46 
paulgardiner The file is below that in a GL subdirectory14:29.52 
tor8 all I can say is that it works for me on winxp with vs2005.14:30.19 
  with a #include "" directive, which IIRC should look in the same directory as the current file14:30.45 
paulgardiner I'm using vs2005 but on Windows 10. I'm pretty much 100% Robin also uses Win 1014:30.54 
tor8 you could try adding ..\..\thirdparty\freeglut\include\GL to the AdditionalIncludeDirectories14:31.14 
paulgardiner Hmmm. Very odd14:31.18 
tor8 but I really have no idea what's going on14:31.41 
  paulgardiner: cluster finally finished. I've pushed the 'too-long-name' commit to master.14:32.47 
  paulgardiner: paul/master LGTM14:33.10 
paulgardiner Great. Thanks To14:33.12 
  Great. Thanks Tor14:33.15 
tor8 sebras: sebras/master LGTM14:33.28 
sebras tor8: ty14:33.35 
fredross-perry tor8, sebras, are you in a position to review something?14:53.51 
sebras fredross-perry: I'14:58.29 
  I'll take a look, I just need to close a few bugs that I just pushed.14:58.47 
fredross-perry ok, thanks.15:00.28 
inflex thanks for that fix sebras15:02.43 
sebras inflex: sure.15:03.57 
inflex working nicely; had to make a small mod for the fork I'm on here but it was trivial15:15.55 
tor8 fredross-perry: I took a quick look. fixed some whitespace issues (why aren't you using the automatic hooks for that?).15:33.03 
fredross-perry tor8 - I don't know. But thanks.15:33.32 
tor8 fredross-perry: you removed the PDFAnnotation.update() method15:33.33 
fredross-perry That was unintentional.15:33.43 
tor8 in scripts/gitsetup.sh there's a script to install the whitespace fixing and detection15:33.53 
fredross-perry see, this is why we do this.15:34.02 
tor8 fredross-perry: I've made some naming changes on tor/forms2, but I haven't looked at the implementations15:34.31 
  I'll leave those to sebras :)15:34.50 
fredross-perry ok, please do, that's what I am most concerned about.15:34.53 
  I'll look into scripts/gitsetup.sh15:35.16 
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