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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/09/07)20180908 
moolc sebras: lovely, just got another gs update...06:19.47 
sebras tor8 (for the logs): so I finished looking at my bmpcmp now.09:04.39 
kens Bet that was fun09:04.50 
sebras kens: indeed.09:04.57 
kens You could probably have asked for help I'd have done a few for you09:05.13 
sebras kens: my left hand ctrl-finger and right mouse waver hand are _quite_ tired. :)09:05.34 
  kens: I found two progressions09:05.52 
kens Progressions are good09:06.17 
sebras page 16 691073_-_arrows_too_small_FreeType_issue_.pdf progressed due to 119e8e41ef1c5ff00d41ac64f8b9eef3b79a1cee in freetype09:06.20 
  page 18 x_-_embedded_encoding-less_fonts.PDF is basically the same file.09:06.39 
kens Yeah the page 16 one is a long standing one, its a hand crafted test file09:06.59 
sebras page 7 Bug693711.pdf regressed however, due to commit e28550af185eb75f8f9681dc9dda8d66c627487609:07.01 
  at least I believe that to be the case.09:07.07 
  I'm guessing that there's a problem with the Adobe hinting enginge.09:08.01 
kens No that one is a broken font09:08.05 
  Bug693711 that is09:08.26 
sebras kens acroread shows page 10 fine, but mupdf does not.09:08.26 
kens Yes but the font is still broken09:08.34 
  GS draws it similarly to MuPDF09:08.44 
  We used to draw it as per Acrobat IIRC09:08.53 
  But basically, the font is broken so all bets are off09:09.06 
  Chris would remember teh details09:09.17 
sebras kens: wait.. are we talking about the same area on page 10?09:09.19 
kens Page 709:09.29 
  Yeah I#'m looking at page 1009:09.57 
  nasty jaggedy bits09:10.11 
sebras yes, page 7 of the bmpcmp, page 10 of Bug693711.pdf :)09:10.19 
kens Indeed09:10.24 
  Chris will remember the details but there's something badly wrong with the font09:10.40 
sebras kens: ok. so why does my (admittedly old) acroread render it perfectly fine? i.e. without jaggedy bits.09:12.21 
kens GS used to as well09:12.31 
  But we corrected soemthing else and that then showed the exact same problem09:12.47 
  Check it with Chris on Monday09:12.50 
sebras will do.09:13.24 
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