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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/09/17)20180918 
fredross-perry tor8, sebras - I'd love some feedback on this: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/fred/mupdf.git;a=commit;h=dc4d01aabe7d15954b685e20208253e075924f5400:20.55 
sebras fredross-perry: tapAt() is not enough to provide the javascript implementation with enough info to detect hovering which adove js api seems to allow for.05:48.08 
  fredross-perry: and I believe you use setValue() to set a form field..? I think the characters in the string must be indvidual keyDown events so that the js implementation is allowed to reject them.05:48.56 
  it seems to me that some of this is not available in the C implementation yet.05:49.21 
  I haven't discussed any of this with tor8 so I don't know what his plan for this is.05:51.16 
  e.g. is there any part of the js api that we will not implement?05:52.14 
  as I read adobe's js api they assume a single button pointer with x/y and modifiers (ctrl/option/shift) and a keyboard that sends keystroke events with modifiers (ctrl/option/shift). however I'm not really aquainted with the js api spec.05:57.51 
  as for the findUsableFormFields() filtering the complete list of widgets, perhaps we could send in a mask of PDF_ANNOT_IS_ and have it return whatever is desired? that way they decision like isWidgetVisible() wouldn't be hardcoded in JNI.05:59.48 
  why is defocusWidget() needed? isn't PDFDocument supposed to keep track of that itself?06:01.45 
  oh and the FindClass() stuff seems to normally be done in find_fids()/lose_fids(06:05.33 
  I don't know enough about this, but is there a chance that the number of options changes in Widget_getOptions() between the two calls to pdf_choice_widget_options()?06:07.22 
  seems to me like this would be better implemented by pdf_choice_widget_options() doing the allocation and the caller freeing afterwards.06:08.08 
  the widget kinds should probably have constants in the Widget class.06:12.27 
  if we want to expose the PDF_ANNOT_IS_* states through JNI there should probably be constnats for that in PDFAnnotation.06:13.13 
  and both have corresponding checks in check_enums() (I recently learned myself during code review)06:13.33 
  but it seems to me like the C interface needs to be amended.06:14.47 
jrun mupdf: source/fitz/colorspace.c:1486: fast_rgb_to_cmyk: Assertion `"This should never happen" == NULL' failed.15:41.47 
  here is the file: https://i.mt.lv/cdn/routerboard/hEX__S-180529163507.pdf15:42.10 
tor8 jrun: have you tried the latest git?15:55.20 
  jrun: I can't reproduce with 1.13.0 either. you'll need to give us a command line to run.15:56.46 
jrun it happened with 1.13.0 and 1.13.0-r1 (r1 is probably from gentoo)16:16.51 
  tor8: i passed no flags on cli.16:17.06 
  mupdf /tmp/hEX__S-180529163507.pdf16:17.20 
  oh, lcms is not builtin, does that explain?16:17.38 
  trying with lcms16:18.26 
tor8 jrun: yes. you need our fork of lcms. stock lcms causes this error.16:44.58 
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