Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/09/18)20180919 
moolc sebras: just updated mupdf and on rebuild go this:10:06.10 
  make: Entering directory '/home/malc/x/rcs/git/mupdf'10:06.11 
  CC build/native/source/fitz/load-jpx.o10:06.11 
  make: *** No rule to make target 'build/native/thirdparty/openjpeg/src/lib/openjp2/sparse_array.o', needed by 'build/native/libmupdf-third.a'. Stop.10:06.14 
sebras moolc: there was an update of openjpeg, have you updated the thirdparty/openjpeg submodule as well?10:08.37 
  openjpeg 2.3.0 introduced this new file.10:08.50 
moolc sebras: nope, didn't do git submodule update, tack10:09.37 
sebras moolc: Рад помочь10:11.10 
  Robin_Watts: are you around?10:11.49 
moolc sebras: 你的俄語是無可挑剔的10:12.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: moolc's question above made me realize that I forgot to update this for the win32 build.10:12.57 
  Robin_Watts: I'm not sure why this was nott caught by watts..?10:13.05 
moolc cause watts are redundant real coders operate directly in amper10:13.42 
sebras Robin_Watts: ergs log seems reasonable, perhaps.10:14.16 
  Robin_Watts: though ergs "out" seems to indicate that mutool.exe is missing, but it didn't fail..?10:14.42 
  Robin_Watts: I want to fix this, but maybe I shouldn't until we know why the cluster doesn't detect this.10:15.15 
Robin_Watts sebras: hi10:20.33 
  It's possible that mupdf builds are screwed on watts at the moment.10:21.52 
  I'll investigate10:21.58 
  sebras: .gitignore, .travis.yml and appveyor.yml have all vanished.10:25.59 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok.10:36.43 
Robin_Watts sebras: OK, I spotted a problem. Testing a fix now.10:43.55 
sebras Robin_Watts: it seems to me like appveyor.yml has been added but the openjpeg commit doesn't remove .gitignore or .travis.yml at least not as far as I can see now.10:45.15 
Robin_Watts When I did submodule update it warned me that my untracked files would be overwritten...10:45.48 
  oh, so they weren't in git before, but are now?10:45.56 
sebras commit 3f61aa44a added both .gitignore and .travis.yml, but 0c286d072 didn't remove them.10:46.02 
Robin_Watts ok, don't panic then.10:46.26 
sebras however we stepped from 19b3d33e to 0c286d07 in mupdf which means that all three files were added, albeit in different commits.10:47.07 
Robin_Watts I suspect that at some point, I added openjpeg before, and hence had those files kicking around, but didn't commit them.10:47.40 
  so it got confused this time.10:47.53 
  but if that's just down to the state of my repo that's fine - as long as it's not going to trip up everyone.10:48.13 
sebras I don't think so.10:48.29 
  also the file raw.c has disappeared, and sparse_array.c has been added.10:48.47 
  I of course fixed this for linux, but not for win32.10:49.07 
Robin_Watts sebras: let me rerun the last git job so we can see if it fails correctly.10:49.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes please.10:49.45 
Robin_Watts sebras: OK, that seems to be working now.11:34.06 
  Just rerunning the disable-compile-inits test from last night to check a fix I've put in for that.11:34.27 
  tor8: All your commits are going to fail on the cluster.15:05.52 
  Should we force push a fix to the windows build, and then retry?15:06.27 
  sebras, tor8: Some force pushing later, and I believe the repo is sane again. Cluster is rerunning tests now.16:23.52 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, I originally wanted to just push another commit, but this is even better.17:07.15 
  Robin_Watts: now that "git bisect skip" exists that would save us from having a commit that is broken.17:07.40 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes, but it's a pain in the ass if you have too many.17:12.39 
  For 1 commit broken I'd have left it.17:12.50 
  but tor8 pushed a whole load more.17:12.58 
  which all failed.17:13.11 
sebras ah, I see.17:20.05 
  Robin_Watts: at least now we know it fails properly when I break something. I like that. :)17:20.25 
Robin_Watts sebras: yes, but now we know that ergs is broken :)17:21.09 
sebras Robin_Watts: oh, that's also good to know.17:31.41 
  Robin_Watts: btw, thanks for doing the cleanup.18:05.29 
Robin_Watts sebras: No worries.18:05.50 
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