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Tamir_Evan While debugging problems I had with merging the 1.14.0 commit into my fork of mupdf, I think I found two errors:02:57.08 
  (1) In platform/gl/gl-ui.c, line 378, it says "#ifndef FREEGLUT", where I think it should say "#ifdef FREEGLUT", as the code in that block sets freeglut specific options.02:57.23 
  (2) In platform/gl/gl-main.c, lines 14-17, realpath() is declared when _WIN32 is not defined, where I think it should be declared when _WIN32 is defined (both VS 2013 Express and MinGW's gcc warn about realpath being undefined/implicitly declared).02:57.48 
tor8 Tamir_Evan: yes. the ifndef FREEGLUT is definitely wrong, and there should be a #else between the unistd.h and realpath declaration...09:11.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: Want to fix that before I do the windows build?09:16.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sure. should be easy enough to sneak in. try tor/master now?09:20.04 
Robin_Watts building09:21.54 
  >..\gl\gl-main.c(211) : warning C4013: 'realpath' undefined; assuming extern returning int09:23.12 
  hmm. what's going on here...09:23.54 
sebras tor8: Robin_Watts: are we going to move the tag?10:18.16 
  or will this be 1.14.1?10:18.32 
  1.14.0 has not been announced on mupdf.com btw.10:19.27 
tor8 it will not be 1.14.110:19.49 
  either we move the tag (since we haven't done the release announcement) or leave the release as is and live with the warning on win3210:20.51 
sebras I'll delete the tag locally in preparation for it moving in that case. :)10:21.18 
Robin_Watts just move the tag.10:21.58 
tor8 will do.10:24.07 
moolc yeah git is fun like that, it's like history isimutable ... only not10:39.52 
sebras moolc: most data on a computer is mutable. in the case of git the decision is really only about how many people it will affect.10:41.42 
moolc sebras: it will affect at least one10:42.12 
  commit 273ad1dccd857e2e664530fbb98ca93d68945867 (HEAD -> master, tag: v30, origin/master, origin/HEAD)10:42.30 
  Author: malc <moosotc@gmail.com>10:42.30 
  Date: Wed Oct 3 17:07:03 2018 +030010:42.30 
  Sync with upstream10:42.33 
  tag: 1.14.010:42.40 
sebras right. not sure if that sways tor8's decision..?10:43.15 
Robin_Watts moolc: pretty easy to resync.10:44.16 
moolc Robin_Watts: that's not my gripe10:45.25 
  Haven't announced anything, anywhere either... just git push --tags that pushed v30 that has this commit message10:45.50 
sebras moolc: I believe the old commit will still be there, only the tag would move as I understand it.10:46.53 
  moolc: so your llpp commit out to still build at least.10:47.09 
moolc sebras: let me try once more, i've pushed MY commit and it's comment said that it syncs with upstream (you/mupdf) that is at 1.14.. and my comment _IS_ immutable, unless i start foce pushing stuff around... not a big deal at all, it's just that i might not be the only one who did that10:48.29 
Robin_Watts moolc: Indeed, but we'll live with that I think.10:49.25 
moolc sebras: i'd raise hell if my precious commits stopped working because of international group of git haters, spread all over the globe, including parts of China that think it's independent (well... de facto it is, de jure though...)10:50.32 
  Robin_Watts: it's just that it's easier to push 0.14.1 methinks... but you are the masters, so i'd better shut it10:51.38 
sebras moolc: the decision is tor8's I'm just trying to figure out how it might affect you.10:55.02 
moolc sebras: tack!10:55.15 
tor8 moolc: the only thing that will break is your commit message :)10:55.38 
moolc https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/blob/master/misc/getmupdf.sh so the end-result is(will be) only somewhat inaccurate commit message10:55.53 
  tor8: precisely :)10:56.00 
sebras tor8: why didn't we notice the win32 glut issues?11:15.02 
  tor8: wouldn't the cluster detect this?11:15.14 
Robin_Watts sebras: cluster doesn't build mupdf-gl, maybe?11:22.36 
sebras Robin_Watts: oh, perhaps useful to at least put on the todo.11:24.01 
tor8 sebras: even if it did, the error would just be a warning11:25.09 
Robin_Watts sebras: Maybe, yes.11:25.38 
  The cluster builds "all" for unix.11:25.57 
  and it builds "mutool" for windows.11:26.37 
  I could try to make it build mupdf and mupdf-gl too.11:26.47 
sebras Robin_Watts: I think that would be good unless it is too time consuming to figure out.11:28.38 
Robin_Watts Let's see if I can make it build all for windows too.11:29.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: perhaps one day we'll have android in there too! but I'm guessing that will be when I start looking into how that stuff actually works. ;)11:29.32 
Robin_Watts sebras: Interesting.11:30.10 
  At the moment, each node only ever builds for itself, not for other platforms.11:30.25 
  I could make windows (or linux) nodes build for android if they have the tools installed.11:31.23 
jogux don’t forget iOS too ;)11:31.45 
Robin_Watts I'm not forgetting iOS, I'm ignoring it.11:32.02 
jogux hehe. actually there is a mac in the cluster right, so it’s probably also pretty straightforward.11:32.29 
Robin_Watts jogux: No, I'm not taking on that job, cos it'd break every 30 seconds due to apples ****ing about with keys11:32.59 
jogux just building the core doesn’t need any keys11:33.22 
  if you wanted to build the full app, building for the simulator also doesn’t need any keys.11:33.34 
Robin_Watts jogux: I thought I couldn't build *anything* ARM targetted without keys.11:33.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: jogux: IIRC the Xcode project last I looked shelled out to 'make OS=ios'11:35.10 
  to build the library11:35.17 
jogux it should be fine as far as I know. you can’t do anything you can actually install on a device without keys, you can even (I think) convince it to build an app and not sign it.11:35.21 
  tor8: yep. that make step definitely doesn’t need any signing keys.11:36.02 
tor8 but it also sets a bunch of extra environment variables. could be worth building just to make sure the core doesn't break on Darwin.11:36.11 
Robin_Watts ok, so to do that I'd need:11:36.29 
tor8 but the environment variables need faffing about on just about every point release of Xcode way back when11:36.43 
Robin_Watts 1) a test I can run in sendCaps.pl to check whether I can build for iOS on a given node.11:36.55 
  2) a command line I can call to actually do the build on such a machine.11:37.30 
jogux I think in xcode 9.4 or 10 apple actually sorted out the key stuff for non-release builds and it’s all magic once you’ve logged in, but I’ve not tried that in anger.11:37.39 
Robin_Watts ok, so the windows builds now build all, and that seems to work.11:38.54 
  With appropriate 1 and 2, I can also build the desktop java stuff.11:40.41 
  jogux: "Once you've logged in" ?11:41.20 
jogux xcode->prefereneces->add account and login with an apple developer account.11:41.41 
  that’s a one-off setup thing.11:42.02 
Robin_Watts And how long does that last? Having to redo that after every reboot or every month will be a killer.11:42.08 
  Ok, one off ain't so bad.11:42.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: if the machine is properly set up, invoking just "make java" and "make android APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a" to catch compile errors would be good.11:44.10 
  s/the machine/one of the cluster machines/11:44.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, so that's 2. What's 1 ? :)11:46.22 
tor8 if (hostname == 'magic-build-bot') ?11:46.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: nope. won't do that.11:46.59 
  I'm trying to get such hacks out of the cluster.11:47.20 
tor8 does the test in sendCaps.pl run on the cluster machine?11:47.50 
Robin_Watts Checking to see if "javac" works is the sort of test I had in mind.11:47.51 
  sendCaps.pl sends the capabilities of the node back to the master.11:48.13 
  so it says "windows" or "linux" etc.11:48.22 
  (and "vs2017" for windows nodes with that installed etc)11:48.49 
jogux Robin_Watts: urm, testwise, dunno. maybe just look for ‘uname -a’ containing darwin?11:48.52 
tor8 which ndk-build11:49.09 
  which javac11:49.11 
Robin_Watts jogux: no, cos that doesn't test for iOS stuff being installed.11:49.12 
tor8 which xcrun11:49.14 
jogux Robin_Watts: iOS stuff is part of Xcode. I think you’d need that to build for macOS too.11:49.31 
Robin_Watts You can have xcode installed without iOS stuff, I believe.11:49.59 
jogux I don’t believe so. You could have not logged in (and hence not be able to sign arm apps) but I don’t think you can detect that easily from the command line11:50.33 
Robin_Watts ok, I'll have a play with that later.11:51.04 
jogux Xcode9/10 definitely comes packaged with iOS SDK and simulator included. I don’t believe there’s any way to get xcode without getting those.11:51.18 
Robin_Watts ok.11:51.48 
moolc tor8, sebras, Robin_Watts: https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/commit/273ad1dccd857e2e664530fbb98ca93d68945867#commitcomment-3076847512:17.23 
fiesh I have a PDF that triggers mupdf: source/fitz/colorspace.c:1486: fast_rgb_to_cmyk: Assertion `"This should never happen" == NULL' failed. I suppose I should file a bug report?14:18.18 
Robin_Watts fiesh: Yes, please.14:51.53 
  sebras may have a commit that fixes that.14:52.04 
  sebras, fredross-perry: Is there any particular version of the ndk needed?14:54.58 
  Actually... are we using gradle now ?14:56.34 
fiesh Robin_Watts: ah I think it's a dup of https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=699262 and google just didn't find it because of the differing line numbers15:01.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: we are, yes.15:35.52 
Robin_Watts struggles to install android tools on miles.15:36.17 
sebras fiesh: please report it anyway and attach the PDF file triggering the issue. that way we can conclusively determine that it is indeed the same issue.15:36.46 
Robin_Watts sebras: So what's the current command for building mupdf android stuff?15:38.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: actually tor8 and me have wrapped gradle in a make file. so I think that make would work.15:43.34 
Robin_Watts make where?15:43.45 
sebras Robin_Watts: it will then start gradle which will then use the java compiler and or NDK.15:43.48 
Robin_Watts in platform/java ?15:43.49 
sebras for desktop java you can run make in platform java, yes.15:44.14 
Robin_Watts and for android?15:44.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: for android we usually use another git that has libmupdf as a submodule.15:45.04 
Robin_Watts OK, so I can't test that.15:45.12 
  I can maybe do overnight tests for that, but I can't test it normally.15:45.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: but tor8 did actually write "make android APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a" before.15:45.39 
fiesh sebras: ok!15:45.52 
sebras I haven't run that myself so I don't know how that works (or if it actually uses gradle and that)15:45.56 
  fiesh: thanks.15:46.09 
fiesh sebras: given that we also run gentoo, it seems quite likely, so should I not better attach the PDF to the existing issue and, if it really happens to be the case, it's split up to a separate one when the issue is addressed?15:46.25 
  sebras: (quite likely it's a dup that is)15:46.44 
sebras fiesh: better to report your issue separately and we'll duplicate it if it is indeed the same issue.15:47.00 
fiesh ok!15:47.05 
sebras fiesh: thank you!15:47.12 
  Robin_Watts: I just tried make andrdoi APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a and that works too. that builds the core library using the NDK without using gradle.17:16.41 
  it doesn't build the java stuff for android though, but building the java stuff for desktop java is a good start. at least it compiles in _one_ environment.17:17.16 
Robin_Watts sebras: In the main mupdf.git repo?17:17.17 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes.17:17.24 
Robin_Watts In what directory?17:17.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: at the top level.17:17.36 
  Robin_Watts: the build results is in build/android it seems17:17.57 
Robin_Watts Right, that relies on ndk-build17:17.58 
sebras build/android/libs/armeabi-v7a/libmupdf_java.so17:18.05 
  it does.17:18.08 
Robin_Watts which I thought we were deprecating now?17:18.19 
  Or does gradle call ndk-build ?17:18.25 
  (or this makefile)17:18.31 
sebras Iit does17:18.39 
Robin_Watts I see.17:18.49 
  So I can test that.17:18.52 
sebras the makefile in mupdf-android-fitz calls gradle which calls ndk to build the mupdf submodule in a normal situation.17:19.07 
  but this is a way to at least test build the android stuff under NDK.17:19.29 
Robin_Watts right. I am testing the java build on the cluster now.17:19.49 
sebras I believe that this make-based build system is on the verge of being deprecated but not yet.17:19.53 
  Robin_Watts: cool. thanks for spending the time to do this.17:20.06 
  Robin_Watts: your work means we'll all get slapped on the hands when we attempt to commit things that doesn't build on one platform or the other, and I believe that happens rather frequently.17:20.43 
moolc sebras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0YQE0NvW0I&t=67917:28.58 
sebras moolc: good answer!17:40.10 
moolc sebras: hah17:40.33 
sebras Robin_Watts: where are you testing the java build?17:40.42 
moolc sebras: you have to sell an arm and a leg to get those though17:41.02 
sebras moolc: luckily I had two of both, so now I have two keyboards!17:42.24 
moolc sebras: ex-ambidextrous bastard!17:43.05 
Robin_Watts sebras: On miles.17:43.36 
sebras Robin_Watts: oh, perhaps any results are not visible yet?17:44.53 
Robin_Watts sebras: Not yet...17:45.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, I was ju curious what it looked like. :)17:45.36 
moolc hmm... judging by that 'ju curious' not even 2-key rollover it seems17:50.29 
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