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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/10/14)20181015 
avih tor8: so do you plan to look at the test262 PR at some stage? it's been there for ~6 weeks now.09:39.31 
moolc sebras, tor8: https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/issues/9810:22.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: can you help out with bug 699967? it's caused by an integer overflowon line 917 in source/fitz/output-pcl.c11:47.38 
  where ds > 3276711:47.50 
  so we both write a bad length and then overflow the 'comp' scratch buffer.11:48.09 
  in the example, ds is 39735 at that point11:48.59 
  avih: yes, I still intend to tackle that. hopefully before christmas :)11:50.33 
avih lol11:53.00 
Robin_Watts tor8: Sure. I'm hip deep in lcms2 at the moment though.12:02.07 
tor8 I'll make a brief note of my findings and assign the bug to you, then you can deal with it when you get time.12:02.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: Cool. I should get to it this afternoon with a bit of luck.12:03.31 
tor8 bah, looks like bugzilla died.12:15.03 
kens Probably backing up12:15.15 
  Had the same expereience last week12:15.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: So I have to run the lcms2mt changes past michael later, but... http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=177432989a34a98451b14a0dced9debf0666fc3e12:54.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the mupdf bits LGTM13:02.13 
Robin_Watts Ta. I'll commit it when/if mvrhel OK's the rest.13:02.30 
  tor8: I'll start looking at bug 699967 now, though it might be interrupted momentarily for lunch.13:03.34 
  tor8: Urgh. I lifted this code from gs, I think.14:08.54 
moolc tor8: https://www.pfu.fujitsu.com/hhkeyboard/brochures/hhkb-series.pdf selecting(c&p) Latin text yields strings that are encoded "funnily"19:23.39 
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