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sebras Robin: so I notice that libluratech.vcproj sets IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries to "Yes" while libfreeglut.vcproj doe snot.09:26.21 
  does not.09:26.25 
  in the VCLibrariantool. is that intentional?09:26.41 
Robin_Watts sebras: but the previous version of libluratech did, and I tried to minimise difs.09:26.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok.09:27.17 
  Robin_Watts: I assume that the difference of setting EnablefunctionLevelLinking in ReleaseCommercial but not in Release does not matter as the lib isn't included in Release, right?09:32.01 
Robin_Watts The Release lib has no functions in it.09:32.44 
sebras oh, because each file is later excluded from the build, I see.09:33.36 
  Robin_Watts: we do not set WholeProgramOptimization for ReleaseCommerical, should we?09:35.00 
  I'm not sure what constitutes a program here, perhaps that's only an .exe?09:35.45 
  do CharacterSet differences matter between DebugCommercial and ReleaseCommercial?09:36.27 
Robin_Watts sebras: I don't believe any of that matters.09:44.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: DebugCommercial still has DebugInformationFormat set to 4, yet this was changed for the release build.09:45.01 
Robin_Watts certainly a batch build I did yesterday worked.09:45.11 
sebras Robin_Watts: these are just inconsistencies that I saw. I have no idea if they are relevant/problematic.09:46.15 
  the precompiledheader settings and setting outputfile to someting .lib seems reasonable though.09:46.31 
  as well as the chances in the .sln file09:46.42 
Robin_Watts I think that possibly the only thing that matters is the change of Configuration type from 1 to 4.09:47.19 
  But this stuff is so bloody undocumented :(09:47.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: doesn't these xml-thingies relate to settings in the GUI in vs200x?09:48.14 
Robin_Watts sebras: Mostly, yes.09:48.26 
sebras checkboxes and textfields and stuff.09:48.27 
Robin_Watts but stuff like "ConfigurationType" doesn't.09:48.36 
sebras IntermediateDirectory differs between ReleaesCommerical|Win32 and ReleaseCommercial|x86 should it?09:49.01 
Robin_Watts Yes.09:49.23 
sebras we include $(PlatformName) for x86 but not for Win32.09:49.28 
  perhaps that's benign, but I have no idea.09:49.38 
Robin_Watts For x64, but not Win32.09:49.39 
  We put 32bit exes in platform/windows/Release/09:49.53 
  and 64bit exes in platform/windows/x64/Release/09:50.05 
  (s/exes/exes and objs/)09:50.16 
sebras right, well. with that LGTM.09:52.36 
  Robin_Watts: I wish we had more consistency between the different configurations and also between all the .vcproj files so it is easier for the untrained eye to spot differences.09:53.36 
  now it seems a little like: this happened to work once, we don't know why, so don't touch it. :-/09:54.05 
  I understand why, I just dislike that we have stuff we don't understand. :)09:54.24 
  Robin_Watts: I'm confused by "Fix line spacing bug in rewriting PDF files."09:57.25 
  pdf_filter_Tz() divides scale by 100, as does pdf_run_Tz(), yet pdf_out_Tz() multiplies by 10009:59.37 
  oh I see now, pdf_run_Tz() and pdf_filter_Tz() are used while parsing and pdf_out_Tz() needs to do the reverse because it is generating a content stream.10:02.11 
  Robin: well, that LGTM as well in that case.10:02.28 
Robin_Watts sebras: Ta. That one is in already.10:14.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: right, I hadn't updated master yet.10:14.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: had you nodded at this one? http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=8733a6a81931a7bfdac3afdec797c58a0601e473;hp=b867669500593dd3718c8d96507baaff8b32a60d13:49.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: not yet. I see you're writing each band in multiple columns now?13:50.47 
  so basically tiles13:50.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah. PCL is limited in the line sizes it can send. ****ing stupid PDL.13:51.25 
  Henry has confirmed that the gpcl delta decompression is broken, and he's fixing that now. (The spec is contradictory)13:52.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the general shape of things LGTM. I take it you've tested the code to make sure it works?13:52.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: A test print on Henrys machine looked plausible.13:52.46 
tor8 cool!13:52.54 
  go for it13:52.56 
Robin_Watts Certainly it's a lot closer than it used to be.13:53.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I've done some bigger reworkings of the non-LCMS color conversion stuff13:53.32 
  to make it work with pixmaps that have alpha channels13:53.43 
Robin_Watts cool.13:53.51 
sebras tor8: nice!13:54.03 
tor8 I'm relying on branch prediction to keep them fast. the commits are on tor/master when you got a minute or two13:54.17 
  the fast CMYK, and generic (especially L*a*b*) needed fixing13:54.44 
  the gray/rgb conversions work fine in premultiplied alpha space13:54.55 
  but the non-linear transformations for to/from cmyk and lab need dividing out the alpha first13:55.21 
  we don't have a non-ICC target build for the cluster13:55.45 
  I think it would be useful to have13:55.52 
  maybe we should call the #define FZ_ENABLE_LCMS rather than FZ_ENABLE_ICC?13:56.45 
  or FZ_ENABLE_CMM13:56.56 
Robin_Watts looking13:57.38 
  Currently it's NO_ICC, right?13:58.39 
tor8 yeah, it's NO_ICC currently13:58.47 
Robin_Watts I'd be receptive to any more general scheme that let us pick between no icc, lcms, or other builds and wasn't too horrendously complex.14:00.02 
tor8 I did consider making the non-lcms build still use the 'cmm' engine thingy14:00.35 
  but this stuff is quite a tangled mess14:00.47 
Robin_Watts As it is at the moment NO_ICC chooses whether we look for profiles etc or not.14:00.59 
tor8 hard to see at a glance what is called when and where14:01.00 
  and there seem to be an awful lot of gotchas, where we don't handle certain combinations of features14:01.16 
  like spot rendering without icc14:01.20 
  which just falls flat14:01.30 
  because the std_conv_pixmap doesn't handle spot channels14:01.42 
  NO_ICC also controls whether we use any functions in lcms214:02.25 
Robin_Watts It controls whether color-lcms.c builds anything, yes.14:03.13 
tor8 if you want I could spend a week or two cleaning this up and seeing if I can make a general scheme that lets us pick all the options at run-time and hopefully stays simple14:03.16 
  so we could have both ICC support with color profiles, and fast non-colormanaged device colorspaces14:03.41 
  if that's even remotely possible14:03.47 
Robin_Watts cleaning up is always good.14:03.51 
  I suspect we'd probably want to have NO_ICC or the equivalent remaining.14:04.11 
tor8 I'm expecting to have a compile time option to skip LCMS2 and just use the non-managed colorspace conversions14:04.42 
Robin_Watts That would differ from NO_ICC how ?14:04.59 
tor8 for when you want a slim and/or faster build and don't care about colors (or want to avoid using our forked lcms2)14:05.01 
  I don't know if that will be any different from our current NO_ICC behaviour14:05.30 
Robin_Watts Or (to be less yoda): how would that differ from NO_ICC?14:05.37 
tor8 if it's worth having a separate 'don't embed default ICC profiles for Device* colorspaces'14:05.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: That sounds to me like you're suggesting an additional halfway house thing.14:06.05 
  and I'm not sure that's possible.14:06.10 
tor8 I'm not sure either14:06.15 
Robin_Watts Cos if you start to use ICC profiles for *anything* then they have to be related somehow to the device profiles you're using.14:06.36 
tor8 maybe it should just be two separate engines -- one LCMS2 based, and one 'old non-managed crap fast conversions' based14:06.51 
  and we only build the LCMS2 one if we have the compile time option turned on14:07.11 
Robin_Watts tor8: Which, again, is what NO_ICC is.14:07.12 
tor8 but can switch between them at runtime14:07.18 
Robin_Watts If there are holes in the support offered by NO_ICC for things like spot colors, then those should definitely be fixed.14:07.34 
tor8 yeah, but it's not done as separate engines. it's a code base that switches between using an engine, and not using it?14:07.43 
Robin_Watts Yes.14:07.54 
tor8 yeah, NO_ICC seems untested and looks like it would be broken for spots14:07.57 
  anyway, I think I would like to have a go at polishing this up a bit14:08.20 
  and see if I can find the broken corner cases14:08.26 
Robin_Watts Doing NO_ICC as a separate engine sounds nice, as long as we can avoid the overhead of actually loading ICC profiles etc.14:08.32 
  Fixing broken stuff sounds good to me.14:08.49 
tor8 yeah, the NO_ICC engine would just noop actual ICC profiles and just look at the 'N' and drop to a matching device colorspace14:08.59 
Robin_Watts If you can identify something that's worth having in the cluster, I can look at that.14:09.03 
tor8 if we can make it an easy runtime flag, maybe that's easier to add (just another filter option thing like resolutions)14:09.39 
Robin_Watts I'm going to have a quick look at the claims of crashing made at the end of bug 69996714:10.16 
tor8 bug 699971 looks like something you might spot quicker. it's a difference between using and not using the display list, and transparency groups.14:13.24 
Robin_Watts Sure.14:16.20 
  tor8: Couple of simple fixes: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=d80be068ec5c50a27199b949cbec03fc27adcc9015:31.28 
  < <mask bbox="162 377 181 411" s="luminosity">16:33.37 
  > <mask bbox="162 377 181 411" s="alpha">16:33.40 
  We're storing the type of box wrong in the list.16:33.45 
  tor8: OK, so fix for that is: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=69ff417b417ed66b048f953d9e2b980ba871938516:39.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: both fixes LGTM21:42.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ta.23:05.38 
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