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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/11/02)20181103 
roxlu hi, I'm looking into mujs and wondering if there are some examples where I attach an javascript event listener/callback to a c/c++ event listener. For example I've got a GUI library and when the user presses a button I want to call javascript functions that have registered themself with an onclick for example09:04.05 
sebras roxlu: I think the callback examples here might be useful to you? https://mujs.com/examples.html11:45.36 
roxlu sebras: yeah but those call an existing callback function, in my case the user would register a (unknown) callback. E.g. like `var obj = new Object();` then `obj.addListener(some_func)` .. now I want to call `some_func` later from C/C++ when an event is triggered in my C++ app11:47.59 
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