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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/11/04)20181105 
tor8 roxlu: the example "Callbacks from C to JS" does what you asked for. the set_callback function does what an addListener() function would do, and call_callback is the function you call when the event is triggered10:09.33 
  the js_ref() function is how you can store arbitrary javascript values in C code, such as callback functions10:10.21 
moolc tor8: your isp is kinda cool (https://old.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/9uapio/elsevier_forces_swedish_isp_to_block_scihub_so/)18:20.26 
pink_mist yeah, bahnhof is one of the cooler isps here18:49.45 
sebras pink_mist: is there a cooler one anywhere else? isps are rarely something people are impressed by. ;)19:13.02 
  pink_mist: but yeah, I enjoy them too.19:13.12 
pink_mist I'm also rather fond of bredband2, but mostly because there were first with offering Gbit speeds to regular residents that I know of19:14.20 
  *they were first19:14.27 
sebras pink_mist: ssshh, there are british people on this channel too. don't speak about those speeds, they'll grow envious. :)19:16.33 
pink_mist :P19:16.43 
moolc sebras, pink_mist: what does https://www.speedtest.net/ shows for you?19:31.18 
sebras moolc: 2ms, 93.92/93.67 mbit19:32.38 
moolc that's quite lame..19:33.03 
sebras moolc: but my router is between my lazy tethered linux machine and my network socket.19:33.08 
  moolc: I don't pay for more and I don't need more.19:33.24 
moolc sebras: fair'nuff19:34.10 
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