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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/11/06)20181107 
paulgardiner tor8: I'm looking again at in-situ form filling. A while ago, you added something on a branch, I believe, to generate fz_text from an annotation. Can you point me at it?09:45.15 
tor8 paulgardiner: fz_new_stext_page_from_annot10:36.30 
paulgardiner Thanks.10:43.23 
  I had imagined it was still on a side branch somewhere. Hadn't realized you'd committed it to master10:44.04 
tor8 paulgardiner: is your patch on paul/master good to push?12:49.02 
paulgardiner I believe so13:34.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=2997ee339c1b260e95dc9e449f63e9b41600be0314:41.11 
  I don't understand the code, it's too twisty for me. My patch is probably wrong.14:42.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: Well, if you remove that line, you might as well remove the whole section.14:55.48 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I just realized. question is ... is that the right thing to do?14:58.41 
  the comment sounds like it's supposed to prevent double headers14:58.58 
Robin_Watts yeah.14:59.11 
  Let me prod at it for a mo.14:59.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: bah. more color management bugs. fz_pixmap_convert cannot convert CMYKA to RGBA -- the output pixmap is just blank full of zeroes15:19.53 
  with ICC profiles15:20.07 
  cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA is not being set properly in fz_lcms_init_link15:25.42 
  yeah, this design is broken.15:32.47 
  fz_new_icc_link hardwires into the link whether it should copy alpha or not15:33.06 
  but that function takes colorspaces as input, and we don't know there whether or not we'll be using the link to convert a pixmap with or without alphas15:33.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=86330c6fd626a861daba86994dff8596d939fddd15:47.31 
  tor8: urgh.15:47.59 
tor8 if I force copy_spots=1 when asking for a link in icc_conv_pixmap I have gotten it to work15:49.34 
  clustering now15:49.36 
  maybe rename copy_spots to copy_extras everywhere?15:49.45 
  cluster shows no diffs, so at least it hasn't broken anything obvious15:50.22 
Robin_Watts cluster doesn't test spot rendering.15:54.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: double header check LGTM, I think15:59.36 
Robin_Watts tor8:Ta.15:59.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: could you nod at the top commit on tor/master?16:00.58 
Robin_Watts tor8:looking.16:01.05 
  Not entirely sure I agree that it's a broken API, but it'll do.16:02.34 
tor8 I'll reword the comment to something less strong then :)16:03.52 
moolc sebras: 9e604ba1b8f05e94c177266cb7bdf3d2a01b529c - shame on you16:24.12 
  sebras: i take that back... shame on my eyes16:25.08 
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