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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/11/14)20181115 
sebras tor8: ok, I give up.03:44.21 
  tor8: I have a few changes on sebras/master for mupdf-android-viewer-mini and mupdf-android-fitz03:44.58 
  with these I can compile in git-repos that I have checked out a long time ago.03:45.16 
  however checking out mupdf-android-fitz anew in a clean directory ends with "Could not resolve all files for configuration ':lintClassPath'." for me.03:46.27 
  next it gives me a list of directories in android/sdk where it has been looking for lint-gradle-26.1.10, and I'm not sure where this comes from.03:47.30 
  rerunning with ./gradlew --info assembleDebug has the first failure "Taks :extractDebugAnnotations FAILED" beacuse it cannot find mupdf-android-fitz/src/main/java even though we on purpose do not include this directory in srcDirs.03:48.40 
  whyyyyy?! :)03:50.24 
  also I hate the fact that developing for android _always_ ends in an endless search for discussions on forums on groovy, gradle, maven, android on stackoverflow and elsewhere. I feel that this never happens when developing in other languages....03:53.49 
  I think I might have cracked it just now actually.03:55.11 
  we had jcenter() and google() only in buildscripts.repositories, but not int allprojects.repositories. I'm too tired to read up on the difference though.03:55.49 
  oh and we did have it at both locations in mupdf-android-viewer-mini, but not mupdf-android-fitz...03:56.14 
  tor8: ok... so with what is currently on sebras/master in those two repos I can now successfully compiler and build for android04:13.03 
  the Quad stuff is still not fixed proper.04:13.13 
  if we just want to compile 1.14.0 we can probably remove my ugly Quad-hack since 1.14.0 doesn't appear to have Quads yet.04:14.08 
  tor8: oh and mupdf:sebras/master has had its commits updated too. I opted for the $(sort $(wildcard)) pattern used elsewhere, even for this javah replacement. I hope that would iron out all the sorting issues.04:19.46 
  time to sleep.04:19.51 
  tor8: ugh.... https://developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/develop/target-sdk22:55.07 
  apparently we must target api level 26 starting from the 1st of this month. that means we must adapt before we do the next upload.22:55.42 
  I guess this means finally sorting out the permissions model.22:55.57 
tor8 sebras: I think we've got that mostly sorted already23:14.31 
  or at least I remember working on it at one point23:14.40 
  but it says "new apps" -- our apps are not new. does this also affect updates?23:15.24 
  yeah, we already do targetSdkVersion 2523:15.57 
  moving to 26 shouldn't be a problem23:16.09 
sebras yes, it applis for app updates after november 1st.23:22.14 
  new apps from august 1st.23:22.20 
  tor8: oh... it seems to me like it is only the old viewer that targets level 16.23:24.56 
  tor8: I was under the impression that it was all of them.23:25.06 
  tor8: I'm surprised that there are no commits changing targetSdkVersion. it appears to have been 25 since the start of viewer-mini and viewer.23:26.34 
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