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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/11/27)20181128 
sebras tor8: I updated the throw/warn commit you commented on. I have added a number of new commits that ought to be rather trivial to review. the commit on the top is "the ones that I don't think ought ot be private".02:43.45 
paulgardiner tor8: I've sent that missing attachment, so you may have another email in your spam folder. Any info in the headers as to why the previous one got classified as spam?11:08.55 
tor8 I suspect it's triggering on Kate's signature that looks all business-like and spammy :)11:09.57 
  "It's similar to messages that were detected by our spam filters." is what google says (about the reply too...)11:10.27 
sebras Robin_Watts: the pwg output device. how have you tested that the format complies with the spec?12:10.15 
  Robin_Watts: did you view the pwg raster somehow?12:10.25 
Robin_Watts sebras: pwg and cups are very close.12:10.37 
sebras I know.12:10.42 
Robin_Watts cups is like pwg with a few more fields filled out.12:10.50 
sebras yes.12:10.57 
Robin_Watts and I viewed the cups output, IIRC>12:10.59 
sebras oh, a manual inspection of the format?12:11.16 
Robin_Watts No, I had a tool that displayed the cups raster.12:11.38 
  It's possible that I may have written that tool of course :)12:11.48 
sebras :)12:11.54 
Robin_Watts cos bmpcmp can read cups output I think.12:12.00 
sebras that would make sense I guess.12:12.12 
Robin_Watts I *think* there is a cupsraster tool isn't there?12:12.22 
sebras that's what I'm looking for.12:12.53 
  rastertopwg and rastertohp I and things like that, thos I can find.12:13.10 
  rastertopdf found!12:14.39 
Robin_Watts sebras: So, are you seeing a problem with pwg format?12:16.40 
sebras Robin_Watts: no I just want to make sure I don't break anything.12:16.53 
Robin_Watts sebras: What are you changing?12:17.05 
sebras and so I want to do a test conversion and see the output.12:17.07 
  I'm experimenting with moving the mono field in to the pwg_options12:17.38 
  seems like that was what you intended to do, but then it ended up elsewhere. :)12:17.52 
Robin_Watts So just diffing the old and new outputs would be a safe test ?12:18.01 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, but also I was intrigued by how you actually viewed those files when you implemented it.12:18.48 
paulgardiner tor8: there are a couple of commits on my master that I need for in-place editing. The first is just the stext one you prepared with an extra couple of lines of code. The second is something we need, but you may not like the API I've chosen. I've given the document an editing state, whereas one might prefer a flag to the text-setting function. Anyway, please have a look when you have a chance.13:43.04 
jogux tor8: was there a conclusion on https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=700236 ? (is it something we can work around relatively soon?)18:48.51 
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