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tor8 jogux: have we reported the bug to Apple?10:50.11 
jogux no. I thought we’d identified how to work around it in mupdf?10:56.28 
tor8 it would involve creating redundant and unneccessary extra popup annotations, and making sure to keep their contents in sync and replicating apple's bugs11:12.52 
  it's unfortunately not a simple tweak. do we also want to "repair" old format annotations so that Apple can open them too?11:13.45 
  also, why does Apple nuke annotation icons and replace them with a blank square. that's just ... going insane in the way of trying to make everything iOS flat UI like even when it's not appropriate.11:15.00 
  have you tried on an older version of Preview, or is that going to be impossible due to Apple's insistence in pushing upgrades on people?11:16.52 
jogux let me check, someone here should have a VM with an older macos.11:24.32 
tor8 jogux: we currently don't deal with Popup annotations, since they're only used to hold the location and state of the popup edit box that Adobe shows.11:29.10 
jogux tor8: so.. it turns out that preview /can/ display annotation created in pre-muso smartoffice - https://ghostscript.com/~joseph/so-annotation.pdf12:01.01 
  it’s still losing the icon, but the text is there.12:01.19 
tor8 jogux: that's ... not a text annotation though. that's a highlight annotation :)12:02.38 
  despite appearances12:02.44 
jogux okay,. interesting. It’s the same smartoffice ui button. does that mean we implemented muso wrong?12:03.15 
tor8 it has /Subtype /Highlight12:03.23 
  and it has a Popup annotation with duplicated Contents12:03.38 
  acroread 9 draws the speech bubble with the extra tiny speech bubble on top that it draws for highlight annotations12:04.38 
  if I change anything about that annotation in adobe reader xi then it reverts to a "highlight" rectangle12:06.31 
jogux â€œyay”.12:06.55 
  somehow PDF seems to be an even worse thing to deal with than office formats.12:07.09 
tor8 and if I edit the text, Adobe only changes the original Contents (it ignores the Popup annotation's Contents completely){12:07.47 
  jogux: yeah, once you get into the interactive features it quickly devolves into a hot mess12:08.15 
  IMO they should've left forms to HTML :)12:08.30 
jogux :-)12:08.49 
tor8 ... or at least not gotten the interns to design it for them.12:08.57 
jogux I may need help from Paul or Henry to figure out exactly what we should say to the customer. I don’t think they’re going to be happy about this.12:09.47 
tor8 jogux: try https://ghostscript.com/~tor/so-annotation2.pdf on Preview, does it show the text with "Edited!" on the end or not?12:10.24 
jogux Is there a half-sane improvement we can make to mupdf to improve interoperability with preview?12:10.36 
tor8 given a couple of weeks I could implement Popup annotations12:10.40 
jogux I see the text included “Edited” yes.12:10.43 
  oh wait. that’s safari. checking preview./..12:10.56 
  yes. it shows in preview.12:11.22 
  actually I’ll just throw it onto the meeting agenda I think.12:12.10 
tor8 https://ghostscript.com/~tor/so-annotation3.pdf and this one?12:12.18 
  I just changed the type from Highlight to Text12:12.27 
jogux that text appears correctly, I see “I’m a comment Joseph created in smartoffice. Edited!” and preview isn’t editing the file because of me viewing the comment.12:13.32 
tor8 this is seriously baffling.12:13.59 
jogux does that help you come up with a way for muso to create an annotation where the text is viewable in preview?12:15.32 
tor8 give so-annotation4.pdf a try?12:15.56 
  if so-annotation4 works, then I think we may be barking up the wrong tree12:16.21 
  (or I misunderstood something last time we talked, and came to an erroneous conclusion)12:16.45 
  oh, hang on!12:17.40 
jogux annotation4 the comment is empty :(12:17.44 
tor8 yeah. so it's definitely triggering on whether a Popup annotation is present12:18.08 
  jogux: https://ghostscript.com/~tor/mu-annotation.pdf try this one12:21.32 
  it's created in mupdf-gl and I hand added in a Popup annotation12:21.51 
jogux the text is empty :-(12:22.17 
tor8 https://ghostscript.com/~tor/mu-annotation2.pdf12:23.01 
  oh, that file behaves *very* starngely in acroread12:24.28 
  it pops up two boxes to edit the annotation in :)12:24.39 
jogux empty text again12:26.11 
tor8 I'm lost.12:36.18 
  I have no idea what's going on.12:36.27 
  and my macosx VM stopped working last month.12:36.51 
  jogux: okay, a new set of experiments for you.13:10.26 
  jogux: https://ghostscript.com/~tor/mu-annotation5.pdf13:10.45 
jogux testing....13:12.58 
  mu-annotation5.pdf - text displays fine in preview, icon displays fine. If you edit text, icon is lost on save+reopen.13:14.10 
tor8 w00t! \o/13:14.27 
  that's as good as can be expected, I think13:14.37 
  given that Apple seems to like to delete icons13:14.45 
  does it delete the icon on the adobe-annotation*.pdf ones too?13:14.56 
jogux just checking13:15.32 
  adobe.pdf: same as mu-annotation5.pdf13:16.10 
  adobe2: ditto13:16.39 
  adobe3: text is empty when opened in preview13:17.20 
tor8 good. that's what I expected.13:17.52 
  okay, so give me a few weeks in january to implement Popup annotations and I should have it solved.13:18.08 
jogux okay. thanks. can you possibly stick a summary of the new findings on https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=700236 please?13:18.59 
sebras Robin_Watts: not even pdf 2.0 seems to allow for PDF >10Gbyte since it also specifies the xref as having ten digit offsets to the objects in the xref14:55.46 
  pdf 1.7 mentions this limit as an implementation limit in appendix c14:56.03 
  pdf 2.0 mentions this in in appendix c.4, but also mentions that if xref streams are used they can be bigger.14:56.50 
Robin_Watts sebras: ass.14:58.42 
sebras Robin_Watts: also ghostscripts ps-based PDF intrepreter appears to me to read 20 charcters per old style xref-entry.14:59.15 
  but I'm by no means a ps expert! :)14:59.26 
kens xref streams can be bigger, but conventional xrefs can't16:44.46 
  I'm just sticking a check into pdfwrite to prevent it writing PDF files where an xref entry exceeds 10 digits16:45.24 
fredross-perry sebras: I emailed you some responses to your comments on my JNI work for forms, so take a look when you can, thanks.18:23.37 
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