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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/11/29)20181130 
paulgardiner tor8: did you have a chance to look at my in-place editing commits?12:54.27 
tor8 paulgardiner: a brief glance13:03.52 
  I'm not fond of putting the is_editing state in the pdf_document. can it not live more appropriately in the pdf_widget?13:04.09 
  also, I'm not sure that's the behaviour adobe has. does it not forbid individual keystrokes while editing in-place?13:04.35 
paulgardiner tor8: possibly. I will take a look.13:30.14 
  That was in reply to the movement of the is_editing flag. As for the forbidding of individual keystrokes, I'm not too worried about that at the moment, and in any case not sure I can implement that within the iOS APIs14:38.51 
  tor8: problem... pdf_field_set_value currently has access to the pdf_obj for the field, but not the pdf_annot struct14:43.15 
  ... and I think we call pdf_field_set_value from javascript which may not have any way to get hold of the pdf_annot.14:44.23 
tor8 paulgardiner: right. but whether you can implement the /K per key callback in iOS shouldn't matter here, where you're specifically forbidding the /K callback while editing and only running it at the end?14:52.06 
  and if Adobe runs it per character, should we not try to emulate that behaviour too?14:52.35 
  when we can, that is14:52.42 
paulgardiner If I run the /K callback the change to the text change that iOS asks for may not be what it gets, which may be problematic.14:56.10 
  too many "change"s in that sentence14:56.29 
  If I run the /K callback, the change to the text that iOS asks for may not be what it gets, which may be problematic.14:57.04 
  Maybe we need more than 2 modes.15:00.48 
  I could add a flag to pdf_text_widget_set_text which the call for the sake of the js dom would always set to false. Or make that an additional version of that function.15:09.27 
tor8 paulgardiner: honestly, I wasn't even aware of pdf_text_widget_set_text existing before you asked me this question...16:45.34 
  paulgardiner: I just assumed all content setting was via pdf_field_set_value16:45.53 
paulgardiner I'm just looking for a way forward.16:50.34 
  Just want to get this feature in in some form or other.16:52.04 
tor8 would a separate function or argument to pdf_text_widget_set_text do for now?16:55.10 
paulgardiner Yes, that would work just fine, if you're happy with that for now.17:06.17 
  Ah no.17:06.36 
  It would need to be a argument to pdf_field_set_value17:06.58 
  It's pdf_field_set_value that needs to change its behaviour but doesn't have access to the annot struct.17:08.00 
  Perhaps, within pdf_text_widget_set_text I could expand the call to pdf_field_set_value, replacing the call with an altered version of the body of that function.17:09.53 
tor8 paulgardiner: could do with a bool 'ignore_callbacks' to pdf_field_set_value17:15.58 
paulgardiner yeah that would work17:21.47 
  Or "no_sideeffects"17:22.19 
tor8 no_trigger_events17:23.21 
paulgardiner Probably still need to add a flag to the annot struct because appearance synthesis is also affected, but that flag could be passed by pdf_text_widget_set_text to pdf_field_set_value.17:24.32 
tor8 you mean to inhibit the 'F' formatting callback? yeah.17:25.04 
paulgardiner Yep exactly. Anyway, thanks: I think I know how to proceed now.18:11.10 
tor8 paulgardiner: cool. see you in a couple of days!18:17.00 
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