Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/12/07)20181208 
mrrmx sebras you there?17:17.14 
  I need help17:17.52 
sebras mrrmx: I'm here. what help do you need?17:19.27 
mrrmx hi17:19.42 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.17:19.42 
mrrmx sebras, I'm trying to convert an epub3 to pdf17:19.58 
  I tried with calibre but the font doesn't show (but it's properly formated)17:20.24 
  I was lucky to get the epub3 from apple (I had to install mac in virtual box and then decrypt drm with an app to decrypt ibooks)17:21.35 
  sebras, the book can only be properly read by epub3 compatible apps17:23.28 
  sebras, please let me know if you know of a way or an app to convert to pdf17:25.09 
  sebras, dude you there17:26.07 
  sebras, do you think I could upload and you can convert it for me if possible? You must have knowledge about this17:27.32 
  it's a win-win17:28.52 
sebras mrrmx: mmm, we are in a company meeting at the moment. so you'll have to check back for an ansswer. sorry about that. :)17:29.06 
mrrmx sebras, when will you be back?17:29.27 
  I'll wait17:30.28 
sebras mrrmx: well, mutool convert might work even if version3 support for epub is not fully implemented.17:42.10 
  mrrmx: mutool convert -F pdf -o mypdf.pdf myepub.epub is worth testing at least.17:42.48 
mrrmx sebras, could I please upload and you can convert it for me?17:48.47 
  I'll give you the link description of the book17:49.38 
  sebras, https://ufile.io/yc5u218:09.06 
  it expires in 24 hours (if you convert it please give me a link for the pdf version)18:10.31 
  sebras, let's make america great again!18:21.02 
  RobinWattsLenovo, you there?18:26.26 
  do you think you could convert that file to pdf? It's an epub3 doc18:27.44 
  sebras, I had to disable font rescaling on calibre18:49.33 
  it works fine now, thanks!18:49.41 
  looks like I'll have a perfect PDF in a few minutes.. :)18:53.43 
  it's 100% properly formatted (I only need to crop the pages now...)19:12.58 
  sebras, I'm almost done (care to see my pdf?) lol20:17.28 
  see ya20:38.45 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/12/09)>>> 
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