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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/12/13)20181214 
sebras Robin_Watts: may I ask you for a review of sebras/master?14:02.30 
Robin_Watts sebras: Sure.15:05.23 
  I thought that if we did an fz_convert_color to grayscale, then we should only need to give a single space in the array.15:06.47 
  Yeah, having looked at the code, I still think that.15:08.17 
  Presumably you have examples where that isn't the case?15:08.31 
  sebras: Second one looks fine.15:14.02 
  I hadn't considered that an icc colorspace would need an icc alternate.15:16.00 
  let me rephrase.15:16.10 
  I hadn't considered that an icc colorspace could every have an icc alternate, but I guess it's possible and permitted.15:16.27 
sebras Robin_Watts: the issue with convert color happened when you end up in icc_conv_color() where link == NULL is interpreted as being gray->cmyk15:16.31 
Robin_Watts Third one looks plausible.15:16.43 
sebras and so if you only have a single float dstv then you overwrite your stack.15:16.46 
  I had a file at the time. but where did it go?15:17.00 
Robin_Watts sebras: Then that sounds like a bug in that we should never end up there.15:17.01 
  sebras: I was meaning to say that mentioning files in the commit messages rather than using pithy 1 liners would be good.15:17.38 
  I know I'm not perfect in that regard.15:18.08 
  (but in every other way, obviously :) )15:18.21 
sebras I think all of this originated with me attempting to use pwg output and then displaying the PDF generated with cups.15:19.12 
  Robin_Watts: boids3-page1.pdf is what triggered me to do the third commit.15:32.51 
  in /home/sebras on15:33.07 
Robin_Watts It's the first commit that's interesting.15:33.13 
sebras I don't remember how I triggered it. :(15:33.48 
Robin_Watts Then I wouldn't commit it.15:35.01 
sebras Robin_Watts: I never commit anything that doesn't pass the tor/robin-filter.15:37.49 
Robin_Watts likewise me and the tor/sebras filter :)15:38.15 
sebras you mean the tor-filter and the sebras-sieve? ;)15:39.29 
  is there a LGTM on the other two?15:40.01 
Robin_Watts yes.15:40.32 
sebras ta15:41.15 
  Robin_Watts: found it! :)15:56.43 
  so clustering sebras/master~1 caused segfaults in GWG1610_Softmasks_Text_part1_X4.pdf15:57.01 
  this is however fixed with sebras/master~015:57.44 
  _that's_ why I thought it was related to the icc alternate cspace thingy.15:58.07 
Robin_Watts right, so I'd like to understand how we ever end up in that code.16:00.41 
  If we're going to a device_gray space, then we should only ever need 1 float.16:01.02 
  if we're going to rgb, we should only ever need 3.16:01.12 
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