Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/12/16)20181217 
sebras Robin_Watts: do you mind reviewing the fixup commits on sebras/master? I found and fixed the alternate ICC cspace commit.11:08.57 
  after that there's the oneliner to fix 700368.11:09.22 
Robin_Watts sebras: I saw your comments the other day. looking now.11:09.24 
sebras and two larger commits to support large zip and tar files.11:09.42 
Robin_Watts Are you going to squash those together?11:10.00 
sebras I am.11:10.03 
  I kept them apart for your reviewing pleasure. :)11:10.14 
Robin_Watts ok, all but the last 2 look good.11:12.15 
  do those need reviewing too?11:12.27 
sebras nice.11:12.28 
  if you have time. they don't fix any important bugs.11:12.46 
  I was just annoyed that it didn't work as expected.11:12.57 
Robin_Watts They both look plausible too.11:14.19 
sebras Robin_Watts: hm. my clustering failed.11:50.35 
  due to watts.11:50.43 
  but I get not reasonable error log.11:50.49 
  it says it saves everything in BuildLog.htm, but perhaps that is not shown..?11:51.27 
Robin_Watts sebras: It shows the last 50 lines.11:51.43 
sebras oh, so the error is above "Build log was saved at..." :)11:52.26 
Robin_Watts The error line is there.11:52.53 
  12>..\..\source\tools\mudraw.c(26) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'inttypes.h': No such file or directory11:53.03 
sebras yeah, now that I knew where to look I did find it.11:53.19 
Robin_Watts VS does kinda parallel builds.11:53.39 
  Each different target builds in parallel where possible.11:53.49 
  and each line of output is prefixed by the number of the build.11:54.06 
  so all the "12>11:54.12 
  so all the "12>" lines are the ones from the target that failed.11:54.22 
sebras target "21>" also seems to have failed.11:55.21 
  which was due to libmutool.lib missing. alright, I understand this now.11:55.48 
  some local changes (never meant to be committed) made their way into the cluster. hence the inclusion of inttypes.h (for printin 64 bit numbers)11:56.44 
  Robin_Watts: alright, now it clustered successfully. I'll squash and push.12:04.49 
Robin_Watts cool.12:04.58 
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