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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/12/29)20181230 
sh4rm4^bnc i'm trying to compile mupdf 1.13 for powerpc and running into a compile error04:06.37 
  thirdparty/lcms2/src/cmsmd5.c: In function 'byteReverse':04:06.51 
  thirdparty/lcms2/src/cmsmd5.c:36:51: error: 'ContextID' undeclared (first use in this function)04:06.51 
  cmsUInt32Number t = _cmsAdjustEndianess32(ContextID, *(cmsUInt32Number *) buf);04:06.51 
  the code is inside an #ifdef big_endian block which is apparently untested04:07.18 
  the bug is also present in 1.14 btw04:08.16 
  holy cow, it's even in 1.1204:11.28 
  seems to be fixed in upstream git https://github.com/mm2/Little-CMS/blob/master/src/cmsmd5.c#L3604:13.22 
  hmm no, according to git blame that version is 9 years old04:15.58 
  here's a patch https://0x0.st/sn5n.patch04:23.01 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/12/31)>>> 
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