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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/02/12)20190213 
ator Robin_Watts: I coded up some rudimentary widget appearance synthesis for push buttons, radio buttons, and checkboxes18:47.21 
Robin_Watts ator: That's good to have, but a) we aren't pursuing the project at the moment, and b) it's only part of the problem.18:53.32 
  We'd need some pdf_widget_create_{radio,text,etc} functions.18:54.00 
ator yes. that's another project.18:54.53 
  creating widgets that Acrobat is happy with is tricky...18:55.09 
  my test document where I've coded up forms manually sometimes crashes acrobat reader...18:55.28 
 Forward 1 day (to 2019/02/14)>>> 
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