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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/11/06)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/11/08)>>>20191107 
E196 Hi folks. Damn, just stumbled this moment over mujs (looking for a lua replacement for gamedev). MuJS looks great... just wanna say thanks.18:20.01 
  I've just read through the code and saw some low hanging fruits performance-wise... and this is the array implementation.18:23.30 
  There is a lot of atoi stuff going on... not really a problem but I had to hope to move more code to script side.18:24.44 
  Some (all) engines have a special array implementation which uses numerical indices and a backing map for 'other' properties18:26.34 
  Is there a roadmap or something for planned features?18:28.44 
ator E196: no plans; there are a lot of quirks required to do a fast array mode that would add significant complexity19:37.08 
  E196: there is a TypedArray implementation on a branch somewhere, if you need fast(ish) numerical performance19:37.27 
malc_ ator: he left19:43.26 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/11/06)Forward 1 day (to 2019/11/08)>>> 
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