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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/12/02)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/12/04)>>>20191203 
ornxka hi i am trying to use the js api to extract annotations but it doesnt work17:09.12 
  i do loadpage getannotations etc but the thing returned by getAnnotations is always this weird "native code" object17:09.44 
  code: https://pastebin.com/aDrYZ5sD output: https://pastebin.com/vsxB58yX17:11.54 
  the annotations in the file are on page 1517:12.52 
  or uh 13 apparently since the written page numbers are not quite right17:13.21 
  ah, so, ann is always an object whose string representation is [], except when there is a pdf page with actual annotations, in which case it is function, which when evaluated gives a type error "TypeError: not a pdf_page at PDFPage.getAnnotations (native)"17:32.41 
  it is definitely a page of a pdf file though...17:32.54 
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