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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/01/07)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/01/09)>>>20200108 
karl Hello. I'm writting a Android project, and it's ok but when i want to upload it on google play i have error which says "you can't upload app, because you have libmupdf.so x32bit only. You need x64 version too". Can you help me?10:49.02 
ator Hi Karl. Before we get too deep into things, is your Android project open source, or are do you have a commercial license with Artifex for MuPDF?11:02.16 
sebras ator: so in "Fix problem with annotation positioning." is rect and bbox expressed in different type of coordinates and that's why bbox must be multiplied by w/h?19:25.43 
  it seems to me like w/h are some kind of scaling factors.19:25.58 
  if I understand pdfref BBox is in form space and multiplied by Matrix transforms it into user space. but then why are further modifications needed?19:31.45 
sebras is confused.19:31.57 
  ator: LGTM "gl: Clean up annotation UI."19:33.29 
  ator: I'll leave "gl: Add -T option to print a script to replicate the user actions." for tomorrow.19:33.45 
ator sebras: annotation transformations and spaces are extremely confusing. I don't claim to remember how any of it works, but the patch goes through the cluster cleanly with a progression only.23:04.53 
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