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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/01/28)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/01/30)>>>20200129 
avih ator: i'd appreciate direction with the array storage on where to keep the values (array, size, count, etc): 1. change make js_Object hold js_Properties* instead of js_property*, and make that hold the tree, array and array maintenance values. 2. same as 1 but holds the struct directly rather than a pointer. 3/4. js_Object.properties remains as is, but object holds an additional js_UProperties (struct or pointer) which holds the array and maintenance values.09:17.37 
  my current preference is 4 (pointer to the optimized storage).09:17.37 
  there are about 8 walks properties walks outside of jsproperty.c . the walk function is unmodified as it works equally well on a js_Property pointer whether it's at the tree or at the array, but before calling each walk the array has to be scanned too with the same walk function.09:20.08 
  the advantage of approach 1 is that js_Object size remains the same, but it costs 1 extra dereference when accessing the properties. the advantage of 3/4 is that code is mostly added rather than modified, but js_Object size becomes bigger09:24.05 
ator avih: just make it bigger (inline the struct with the new fields)10:34.31 
  each malloc has its own overhead10:34.54 
avih ator: additional struct or change properties to the new container struct?10:35.01 
ator struct js_Object { ....; js_Properties *properties; struct { int n, m; js_ArrayProperty *p; } table; .... }10:35.48 
avih k, thx10:36.22 
  ator: also, i didn't look too closely, but js_is_array_index uses int rather than uint, i'm pretty sure there are bugs lurking there with big index values10:43.29 
  also, should probably use uint32 rather than plain unsigned. though i don't recall a system i know of which uses 16 bits ints10:45.08 
  uint32 also makes it easier to test, you just multiply and if it wraps - it's invalid10:46.27 
  with ints you have to divide for test or else you can get undefined behavior10:47.03 
ator we divide for the test. don't get me started on mixing signed and unsigned integers in C....11:37.21 
  if (n >= INT_MAX / 10)11:38.35 
avih ator: also, the spc says that array ix is < 2^31-1, so array length fits in uint32 without wrapping12:29.55 
  i think it can be made compliant without too much effort, but not now (for me)12:30.42 
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