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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/01/30)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/02/01)>>>20200131 
avih ator: array of values did not speed it up much, but removing the string interning did. the interning is as expensive as the tree insertion sans interning. maybe use a radix tree which avoids the interning altogether?07:47.53 
  (the string is composited of the nodes, which use constant space, at the cost of slower enumeration, but i think enumeration is far less frequent than lookup or insertion)07:49.12 
  and you can have a radix of 8, which is the same space cost as the string pointer07:50.58 
  (as in, radix tree for general properties. array index can still be int without a string if it uses a special storage like an array)07:57.24 
  ator: alternative approach on top of master: instant speedup of insertion of small strings almost for free https://0x0.st/isYD.txt09:43.52 
  if you make it 12 instead of 8 then it will also apply for all array indices09:46.58 
  also imagine how much less load there would be on the interned strings tree if it only contains long strings10:03.36 
  (at least of keys)10:03.53 
yotam Anybody home? I have a commit patch for a 'show coordinates' feature. Where can I send it to?11:24.26 
kens You can put patches on our Bugzilla. However, I can't guarantee that the project lead will accept them. If the patch is non-trivial you'll need to sign a contributor's license anyway (if its accepted) so I'd recommend you visit Bugzilla at https://bugs.ghostscript.com (set the product to MuPDF)11:25.57 
yotam thanks.11:26.51 
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