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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/02/08)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/02/10)>>>20200209 
vegankumpir Hello folks, I'm using zathura and in #pwmt on OFTC, I asked a question about an unexpected behavior of an epub file. He/she said that this is caused by mupdf. So, I'm here and want to ask that question here as well.09:58.20 
  It is a epub file of a library of Elixir language called "Ecto". It is *not* converted from HTML to EPUB. Elixir has its own system to document code directy in source code of a project/library. So, you are able to convert it to HTML/EPUB (these are official).10:03.46 
  So, that EPUB document file has some code blocks that you can horizontally scroll within a browser. The thing is you can't do that with mupdf back end.10:04.27 
  Here is the file https://file.io/Y2EX2K (will expire 1 day later).10:04.38 
  I'm not a native speaker, so I hope I give enough information and clearly explain everything happened to me.10:05.05 
  If this is a bug, I'm willing to report it on https://bugs.ghostscript.com/ .10:05.27 
  Hmmm, seems like I misunderstood the API of file.io.10:09.09 
  If you want to see the file, please ping me. It expires after one download. :/10:09.56 
sebras vegankumpir: the file.io link has already expired. please report a bug at https://bugs.ghostscript.com/ and upload the file there. if needed we can mark the file as private.10:54.14 
  vegankumpir: also please stay around if you want answers to your questions. most developers are here only monday to friday during european business hours.10:54.47 
vegankumpir sebras: Sorry, I was afk. My mom went out and left my brother and sister with me. :)10:57.33 
  The file is not private. As I said it is a documention file of a library.10:58.02 
  Here is the html output https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.html .10:58.10 
  I'll post you a link in private in case of you want to inspect.10:58.22 
sebras vegankumpir: I reported this as https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70210714:35.46 
  vegankumpir: if you add yourself to the CC list you will get updates when it gets analyzed/fixed/etc.14:36.10 
  if we don't file it as a bug now I fear we might forget it and lose it. :)14:36.38 
vegankumpir May I ask what is "filing"?14:37.31 
  My dictionary doesn't help, sir.14:37.43 
sebras vegankumpir: in this case it means "to report". does that help? :)14:40.01 
vegankumpir YES.14:40.09 
  sebras: Let me get this clear sir, did you reported, so I don't need to?14:40.39 
  I'm not talking about following CC list.14:40.51 
sebras vegankumpir: like the one where it says "v 1:" here: http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict2&Database=wn&Query=file14:41.03 
  vegankumpir: correct. I report a bug and attached Ecto.epub and the URL you sent before.14:41.27 
vegankumpir I mean't like English to German dictionary. Not like English dictionary.14:41.31 
sebras vegankumpir: oh, my German is too bad to help with that. :)14:41.53 
vegankumpir sebras: That URL won't be avaliable if I understood correctly how file.io work.14:41.55 
sebras vegankumpir: I know, I downloaded the file from file.io, and uploaded it to bugs.ghostscript.com14:42.25 
vegankumpir sebras: It was an example, I don't speak German. .)14:42.35 
  Thanks a lot sir.14:42.42 
sebras vegankumpir: "to file" might be "eintragen" if I understand https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/eintragen correctly.14:44.29 
  vegankumpir: but my German is _really_ bad. :)14:44.40 
vegankumpir IT was an example, I speak in Turkish.14:45.15 
  But thank a lot for everything, sir.14:45.46 
sebras vegankumpir: at https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=702107 in the upper right corner you can add yourself to the CC list, then once we look at the bug and maybe find out where the problem is, you will get e-mails about what we find and when we fix the bug.14:46.08 
  vegankumpir: oh, I don't speak Turkish at all, sorry. :)14:46.31 
vegankumpir Yeah, I know. :) In case of if you didn't know Turkish word at all, I used "Germany" as example.14:47.41 
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