Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/02/29)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/03/02)>>>20200301 
Zeroneca Hey, love this pdf viewer! One (or two) question(s): Is it possible to change the background color of mupdf? I would like to change from this gray to black or even better to transparency. Do I need to touch the source for that or does some sort of extension for this exist?14:23.11 
  oh I forgot to mention I'm on linux, so I'm talking about the linux (OpenGL) viewer14:24.49 
  If this is the wrong place to ask just say so :)14:36.42 
pink_mist this is the right place, but the people who work on mupdf are usually mostly around during european business hours14:41.58 
Zeroneca So sunday is just a bad day to ask?14:52.33 
  Do I need to ask my question again at a better suited time or do some people also respond to messages in the log?14:53.47 
pink_mist they should respond to the log14:54.40 
Zeroneca ok cool thank you ping_mist !14:54.53 
  *pink (how could this typo happen lol)14:56.15 
ator Zeroneca: changing the background color is easy, if you edit the one line in the source and recompile :)16:03.41 
  Zeroneca: inverted mode changes to a black background too, IIRC16:03.52 
  in platform/gl/gl-main.c, in the function run_main_loop, the calls to glClearColor set the background color16:04.26 
Zeroneca ator: nice, thank you! I guess transparency isn't supported?16:04.47 
ator no, transparent windows aren't a thing in X11 (the ones that do, use really ugly hacks that do a screengrab without the window and then draw on top of that)16:05.39 
  but don't forget the shrinkwrap mode, to shrink the window to fit the page16:06.02 
pink_mist if you're using a compositor, transparency would be properly supported ... but I have no idea about how people actually write programs for that16:07.02 
Zeroneca I know about that, but that does not work as expected, but maybe that's something specific to i316:07.14 
pink_mist I meant that to ator16:08.00 
Zeroneca I do, but using the compositor to make the window transparent would not only make the background transparent but also the slides (which I don't want to be)16:08.06 
  pink_mist: sorry I replied to ator. I should reply with the username more often16:08.56 
pink_mist so should I :P16:09.02 
Zeroneca ator: So the window doesn't always actually fit the slide when hitting w even if my screen is big enough16:10.39 
pink_mist Zeroneca: wait, I just picked up on the fact you're using i3? doesn't that mean nothing will be behind since it's a tiling wm? :P16:12.03 
Zeroneca pink_mist: yeah sure, but I'm of course only hitting w when toggling floating mode for that window16:12.42 
  ator: wait, what is the 4th argument to glClearColor for? Isn't that the alpha value?16:13.44 
pink_mist oh right, it does have a floating mode16:13.46 
  Zeroneca: yeah, if that's the alpha value it would make sense that's how you support transparency with a compositor16:15.18 
  (not that I know whether it is the alpha value or not)16:15.32 
Zeroneca I just did a quick ddg and it seems to be. I'm quickly trying it out (thanks to gentoo patching is super easy) and reporting the result afterwards here :)16:16.17 
  Okay, changing the color succeeded but the alpha value doesn't seem to change anything16:22.08 
  anyways, thanks for your help!16:35.18 
avih ator: orthogonal to the utf8 patch (i have more changes, but i'm waiting for any response first), here's a patch which removes string interning of String object value https://0x0.st/ic_a.txt . need to know your preferences on the TODO items, then i can clean it up of them17:50.11 
mendel_munkis Is it possible to hide a layer in mupdf?22:32.44 
Robin_Watts mendel_munkis: Using the library, or mutool, yes. If you're using mutool draw to render, look at the -y option.23:42.32 
  If you're using one of the example viewers, then no, not currently.23:42.46 
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