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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/03/04)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/03/06)>>>20200305 
inertwing Hi all, thanks for working on mupdf, it's fantastic! I have a quick usage question: Where can I find the text device functions like fz_new_text_device? I've looked through the 1.16 sources and the closest I can find is the structured text device.08:55.57 
  Ah, nevermind, I realise that stext is what I need, thanks anyway!09:13.31 
avih ator: i think js_malloc and js_free should be public. this way a user can allocate a userdata with it, and use js_free as finalizer11:39.14 
  also, maybe include some indication of version at the header, so a user could check to know which features are available without using pkgconfig11:40.33 
  (JS_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR} ?)11:41.11 
zatarra Hi. I've run mutool extract on a 30MB pdf and it extracted ~70MB of png files. What I don't understand is: shouldn't the sum of the extracted png files be less or equal to the size of the original pdf?15:41.25 
sebras zatarra: that depends on how you run mutool.15:56.56 
  zatarra: I think mutool extract will decompress images and recompress them to .png files. but they may have been in another format inside the pdf.15:57.34 
  zatarra: if I remember correctly it will only write .jpeg and .png files, but you may have different image formats that compress better stored inside the pdf.15:58.22 
zatarra sebras: ahh, you are right: mutool info says they where CCITTFax in the original. Thank you!16:03.55 
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