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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/03/05)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/03/07)>>>20200306 
RobinWattsLenovo jarindyk2: I'm trying to reproduce your "-1 updates ago" problem, and failing.19:34.20 
  Can you give me step by step instructions to see it please?19:34.29 
jarindyk2 yea hold up20:04.41 
  okay so20:11.14 
  git clone --recursive https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/mupdf.git, then expose show_sig_dialog in mupdf-gl, doesn't matter how you do it, just make sure you can run that function because some signed PDFs don't have a visible/clickable object20:12.33 
  such as this one20:12.42 
  output of mutool sign -v is: https://pastebin.com/mMYtkkFZ20:16.39 
RobinWattsLenovo right, so it's not 'i' for the info window, it's info on a particular sig.20:16.44 
  I can look into that.20:17.01 
jarindyk2 mutool sign doesn't do "pdf_validate_signature()", and show_sig_dialog (mupdf-gl) doesn't do "pdf_validate_signature()"20:20.38 
  the latter20:21.05 
  so there's pdf_validate_signature() and in pdfsign.c (mutool sign) the function name is verify_signature()20:23.32 
  I'm not sure if they are inteded to do the same thing, but everything seems similar apart from the things I've mentioned (and the messages)20:24.15 
  gl-form.c line 200, and pdfsign.c line 3720:25.08 
  and yeah I thought it'd be a good idea to show those details in case they are hidden like in this particular PDF for example20:26.20 
  it'd be great if from mupdf-gl we could tell if the signature is valid but there have been edits since signing, or that the signature was invalidated due to signed fields being changed, unless they refer to the same thing (I have no idea)20:30.33 
  judging from the messages alone I'd say they aren't, because "signature is valid" vs "signature was invalidated", but I'm still not 100% sure20:32.37 
RobinWattsLenovo jarindyk2: I've found a bug locally that explains the problem.23:46.12 
  I'll get it committed in the next couple of days.23:46.25 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/03/05)Forward 1 day (to 2020/03/07)>>> 
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