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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/03/16)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/03/18)>>>20200317 
avih ator: the documentation of js_Put does not match the implementation. it says: ""Put" should pop a value and return true if it wants to handle the property.", but jsR_setproperty - where calling the userdata put happens, is not expected to pop a value. every place which uses jsR_setproperty also does pop right afterwards. i think that jsR_setproperty should dup the value before calling a userdata put, and pop it if put returned 009:04.45 
  (fwiw, i'm not sure whether the documentation should be modified or the implementation. if anyone tried to follow the documentation the'd have gotten a corrupted stack with one too many pop, so probably no one used it so far)09:06.37 
mazheng I try to add a transparent png image to a pdf file,but there is a question the png image with black background, somebody can help me?09:08.22 
  When i extract a image with alpha, the image also with black background.09:09.21 
avih though iirc your typedArray thingy does userdata, and i'm assuming it does use put. worth checking out as well.09:09.56 
  also, from the doc it's not entirely clear if the user is supposed to always pop, or only pop if it wants to handle it (one could guess the latter)09:11.10 
  i suggest to fix the docs rather than the implementation. i.e. their put implementation should leave the stack unmodified.09:14.48 
  yeah, the typedArray implementation of N ## Array_put also doesn't pop it09:18.12 
  just fix the docs.09:18.31 
ator mazheng: PDF doesn't support alpha in images (except for JPEG2000)10:50.48 
avih ator: also, the js_Report doc still doesn't say that it should not touch the vm other than js_getcontext11:30.03 
  (and must not throw and should not even do js_try)11:30.47 
ator avih: I'll have a look.12:04.57 
  avih: yeah, the docs are wrong.12:09.46 
avih yeah12:09.58 
  ator: what's the difference between OP_SETPROP_S and OP_SETPROP ? it seems to me that the former is a literal string which is not on the stack (e.g. at the lexer storage or interned etc), and the latter is a stack value?12:21.00 
  (i'm trying to completely remove all interned strings. i think it's doable, and without unrequired allocations except if the name comes from the external API and is not from a js_Value)12:22.05 
  ator: two unrelated bugs: this line should come after newmemstring or else the value becomes corrupted on OOM (and it's on stack, so it might survive the OOM with try/catch) https://github.com/ccxvii/mujs/blob/master/jsvalue.c#L31512:30.21 
  ator: and this line should use "[object iterator]" instead of "[iterator]" https://github.com/ccxvii/mujs/blob/master/jsobject.c#L4512:30.45 
ator OP_SETPROP_S takes the property name from the string table in the bytecode12:58.33 
  OP_SETPROP takes the property name from the stack12:58.38 
avih so the string table is of literals? or is it also some stack?13:06.25 
  (or both?)13:06.37 
ator avih: see file jscompile.c function addstring()13:07.47 
avih thx13:07.56 
ator each compiled function holds a list of string constants13:08.12 
  OP_SETPROP_S refers to this list13:08.26 
avih right, so big literal which is an aggregator of literals which stay throughout the runtime?13:09.02 
  oh, a per function thing. ok. thx13:09.26 
ator all string constants used in a function are put into the string table13:09.30 
avih right13:09.37 
ator it's a per function table13:09.40 
avih thx.13:09.48 
  what about the other two bugs i pointed?13:10.00 
ator fixed on my branch.13:10.08 
avih thx13:11.53 
  "Nor should it call any functions that may throw exceptions." should also include "or even uses js_try"13:13.38 
  (the report could be of exception-stack overflow)13:14.02 
  "should read the top value and return true if it wants to handle the property." <- it's also allowed to modify it, like with js_tostring13:15.12 
  (otherwise you're effectively asking the implementation to do js_dup)13:15.57 
  ator: looks good, but missing docs to allow js_tostring et al on the top value.13:20.29 
ator I don't say the value must be left read-only. everywhere else you're allowed to js_tostring, don't see why this would be an exception.13:49.55 
  and if I add permissive language to the docs there, giving that special case, you'll start wondering why I mention it there and nowhere else and you'll be paranoid and confused about everywhere else13:52.34 
  and then the documentation explodes into a verbose mess13:52.42 
avih aye, valid argument.13:54.20 
  ator: another approach is to make these callbacks js_CFunction, where `this' is idx 0 and the argument[s] are normal stack values. it should have negligible perf penalty, but it does change the API13:56.24 
Biganon Hi; I'm trying to install pymupdf using pip, but I get the following errors: https://0bin.net/paste/4QIeeumRc66g4bis#X1Ik14Fd7IM48XQEUyLc2LVI3l9Ou-7O3aw0GJbrCI414:50.49 
  mmh, updating pip solved it. Sorry it's dumb, but pip not being up to date never caused me issues in the past14:52.25 
ator Biganon: pymupdf is not our project, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help you.15:13.10 
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