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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/03/17)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/03/19)>>>20200318 
ubitux hi14:38.52 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.14:38.52 
ubitux pressing "space" to jump to the next page seems to work, but never for the last for some reason14:39.21 
  typically with a beamer presentation14:39.28 
  my workaround is to use the "down" key14:39.36 
  i'm not sure why14:39.42 
  is this on purpose?14:39.44 
  can be reproduced like this14:43.56 
  (the press space as much as you want, it will never reach the last one)14:45.09 
ator ubitux: I've never seen that particular behavior.14:45.20 
  ubitux: but I have vague recollections about a bug report saying that, but years ago14:45.39 
  ubitux: which version are you using?14:46.07 
ubitux i'm using 1.16.1, and i don't think it's a regression because i already expected a few months back14:46.09 
  expected *it*14:46.25 
  can you reproduce? do you want the pdf?14:46.36 
ator ubitux: can you reproduce with the current master?14:47.40 
ubitux i guess i can try…14:47.57 
ator it might be related to commit 606fcf8383943d7f986d6706f1cb67fbdab0e22414:48.25 
ubitux (ah the backspace thing, yes please restore it!)14:50.18 
  mmh i don't have lcms2mt.h, only lcms2.h14:51.05 
ator build with our third party libraries (do a recursive clone)14:51.23 
  or set USE_SYSTEM_LCMS2=yes for the makefile14:52.06 
  mupdf-gl does not have the smart-scrolling bug in 1.16.1, that's only mupdf-x11 (which gets a lot less testing since sebras is the only developer who uses it)14:55.04 
  seems i need all of this, bvut still failing14:55.31 
  make: *** No rule to make target 'build/release/thirdparty/mujs/one.o', needed by 'build/release/libmupdf-third.a'.14:55.40 
ator you still need to clone recursively (or do "git submodule update --init"14:55.57 
  since not all of our dependencies are packaged as system libraries14:56.22 
  USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=yes is shorthand for setting all the ones you listed (see the top of Makethird)14:56.49 
ubitux sorry, back15:11.58 
  zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) ./build/release/mupdf-x1115:12.08 
  need to rebuild with debug15:12.54 
ator don't forget to do a clean build if you change the USE_SYSTEM_xxx flags15:13.01 
ubitux yeah i used git clean15:13.31 
  meh, it works now, well cool15:14.33 
  so yeah, it's fixed in master, thanks15:14.43 
  about the backspace thing, is it on purpose that it was removed?15:15.59 
ator yes, it was removed on purpose15:16.24 
  to make the keybindings match mupdf-gl, which also has form filling and annotation editing and other features that don't always play nice with hogging 'backspace' for navigation15:16.56 
  if you want backspace in mupdf-x11, adding it back in is a minor fix (now that you're building from source anyway)15:17.29 
  in platform/x11/pdfapp.c add a line "case '\b':" just before the "case 'b':" line15:18.51 
ubitux nah it's ok, i can live with it; but what's the de-facto opposite of space then?15:19.52 
  up arrow looks like the opposite of down arrow, but since that bug it appears that down is not exactly the same as space (not sure why though)15:20.36 
ator space and b15:20.40 
ubitux ok, LGTM :)15:20.55 
ator , and . are other options15:21.00 
  as well as pgup/pgdown15:21.04 
ubitux ah yeah it's in the man, my bad15:21.24 
ator one of the sets does 'smart scrolling' when zoomed in, the other set just changes page but not scroll location15:21.52 
ubitux oh and arrow actually request some page scrolling, but by side effect trigger the next page when the page fit15:21.52 
  last q: any plan to release a 1.16.2 or 1.17.x ?15:24.56 
ator ubitux: yes, but no date decided yet16:04.43 
ubitux ok16:05.00 
avih sumatra pdf (uses mupdf internally) also has this default behavior where if the display is non-continuous but the page is zoomed, then scrolling down "jumps" to the next page when reaching the bottom of the current page. i always found this behavior jarring and highly inconvenient. either stay on this page, or switch to continuous automatically IMO.16:11.46 
ubitux i hate the jump to the next page while page scrolling16:25.24 
  thought, i'm fortunate it existed as a workaround for the other bug :P16:25.44 
ator ubitux: page down should still work (it doesn't do smart scrolling, which is where the bug was)16:34.29 
  mupdf-gl does not have the switch-to-next-page-at-bottom when scrolling16:34.40 
ubitux ah, wait16:35.33 
  so… the documentation says:16:35.47 
  . pgdn space16:35.50 
  Go to the next page.16:35.52 
  but this is not actually the same thing?16:35.58 
  and indeed, pgdn works as well16:36.24 
ator https://mupdf.com/docs/manual-mupdf-gl.html16:37.47 
avih ator: fwiw, this is a complete external mujs wrapper to make the APIs fully utf8. it's transparent by default except alloc/actx are not used (please expose the memory functions as public), and callbacks which need manual wrapping https://github.com/avih/mpv/blob/experiments-avih/player/mujsutf8.h16:46.07 
  and that's my current proposed patch to mujs itself (it does expose the alloc functions): https://0x0.st/imD8.txt16:47.35 
  (missing docs yet, so not yet a PR, but i think the code is complete up to the limits we set with adding builtin utf8 support)16:48.27 
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