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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/03/18)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/03/20)>>>20200319 
paulgardiner I'm looking at supporting editing of text highlight annotations, using drag handles. I believe I need to call fz_highlight_selection with two points, one derived from the dragged handle, and the other chosen to match the original text selection that generated the annotation. How can I derive that point?13:24.09 
  I mean reliably so that the undragged end of the annotation doesn't change.13:25.04 
ator paulgardiner: fz_snap_selection13:27.11 
  takes as input mouse coords, returns snapped text position (based on mode, snap to char/word/line)13:28.57 
  I think you can use the top-left of the first quad, and bottom-right of the last quad, to get back appropriate handles13:30.02 
paulgardiner Ah! Excellent. I'll give it a try.13:31.49 
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